
Beats by Dr Dre studio t the place official

"The imperial government goes to once the guest system is to pacify to privilege private's clan, stable place, two is try to limit a private clan noble family concealment people's door, contend for a people with country.But Hao strong noble family usually not the body imperial government without restraint has a people with patience,Beats by Dr Dre studio, but the place officialdom turns a blind eye to this because of various relations.Plus common people the unbearable heavy burden is at the book, usually from hurl Hao strong noble family, attach for the family slave department song with avoid strict farm tax and excise tax Yao of Ke service.The imperial government is also weak to this unbearable.Front remaining Yao county make mountain Yan the wood(mountain Xia, of mountain big wave) once accepted to check strong noble family ground of Hao to hide people's door by rigorous penal code and then picked up no longer than March more than ten thousand.Combine to check remaining Yao noble family private's worry the pleased 抰 hide population, think private attach, the huge amount can leave city according to Lyu.(decapitation death penalty)Let mountain Yan Lin Yu when the worry pleased rope is at the method the various Hao is strong to might it not be gnash teeth with hatred at the mountain Yan of wood, the jointly last book sets up an industry and has Gao Jie by pleased worry, is at that time well-known scholar, not proper humiliate.Build county Ya by Lin Shan of mountain Yan again, hence sink its offense by this Wu.Mountain Yan Lin Cheng Shu allow the history in the meeting Ji of He Wen Mu is male(He Chong), the Qi stays the 100th, in order to poor catch to escape a worry pleased empress from invite its offense, square but don't hate.Mr. He Wen Mu refutes its letter, and judge to sit to don't need an officer."
Make reference to here super the facial expression of seeing one eye, discovering Huan have no variety, know oneself this He Chong's has never aroused this superior ground disaffection, though Huan once was subjected to what promoting of Chong and regard highly, saw to die for more than 10 years, ground the person haded prestige again to also carry on the shoulder not to live the ground in the reality burning cool.
"But the Huan Be male to have result after the interest rather implements G Xu soil to break to wait to change the system for two years, this because Mr. Huan goes a method severe.Peng city Wang Si Ma Xuan because check breaks in the soil in hide five, be sent to Wei in the court by Mr. Huan to cure offense, in the imperial censor the Cheng adult of Wang Shu Wu(Wang Biao) allow meeting inside the Ji history few years, recruit to fondle concealed people's more than 30,000seses.The thus strict method forbids, the Hao is strong to all refrain from rash action it to go everywhere, hence the national laws can greatly go."
"However the last few years, the imperial government neglects in the interval, hence the Hao strong noble family can go past Ji again and hide private attach population, but the common people are suddenly little, Yao service farm tax and excise tax more heavy, Be forced to depend on noble family.Is such circularly, then national laws collapse, the imperial government degree lacks embarrassed."
Huan hears here, not from old face a red, since G Xu soil broke, Huan sees arrive slightly have results to show an effect and then transfered attention, concentrate more to the ambition ground extend own influence toward the east, gradually stretch into river's state, south grounds, such as Yu state, Xu Zhou and Yang state...etc., according to Wang Meng's parlance, the infighting is better than outside war, finally will thank ten thousand, Tan, 愔 after the Yan Hao and Xun Xian draw down horse, make a clean sweep of east enter of step, who know the river is left dynasty medium incredibly took place so serious affair.
Huan Wen Shuo does and then do and first goes a strict method again in the name of imperial government and talks world clearly, first is to everyplace the officialdom carry on admonishing, ordering strictly them can not be greedy for Mo and laid equal stress on to lately examine the farm tax and excise tax Yao service system and make abrogation and fold and change and wait absurdity to raise Cuo clearly, again order strictly and forbid and face and send money, the miscellaneous supply etc. Ke to donate miscellaneous tax.
Immediately after Huan requests to carry on strictly accepting check towards hiding everywhere private the population attaching.For giving noble family Hao strong face, Huan issues order Yin guest and raise standard for guest system, make the per family able to accept half of song serfs more, then in addition of the population common people have to be cleaned up and bring into common people household register in.
Huan Wen Pai much more outstanding diplomatic corps, patrol each county county, on checking officer Cang everywhere, check a solid rice number good time in valley, ordering the officialdom will be greedy for Mo ground the food grass return and otherwise don't need an officer to check to do, two check to keep illegally a population affair.
Huan Wen knows the strength of model and immediately signed two typical models, the first typical model then is in the city, Huan Wen Pai's diplomatic corps checks officer Cang from in a city to lack a food to reach to 400,000 Hus and concern officials to reach to several hundred people.Huan sees all of main officials are former incumbent pasts Tan, and 愔 ...etc. Xu Zhou to leave ground, heel, king, Xie Deng's noble family have thousand the silks are ten thousand wisps of contact, hence begin strict do, he the immediately last form give imperial government, willing halt Xu Zhou of city doesn't drive, 32 members of wide officials like history,etc inside the Ling sit to leave city, rest subsidiary officialdom 467 sit to don't need an officer to flow Tu north mansion border district(Tu north mansion the various state border district is a recent years Huan and north the mansion reach of 1 negotiate, the river is left to sit offense people who flow the Tu and offense officer connect generation in the house send to north mansion, north the mansion then pay weapon battle AN according to the population and calculate up population to sell), it is a Dan Tu to flow the offense officer of Tu to have one among them achievement Cao Liu Qiao, he didn't get what illegitimate profit, pure is to be embroiled just, have to take wife the Xiao surname and two son, Liu Ji Nu, , Liu Dao Lian to go along with big brigade person, Ma Bei, .
Another typical model Huan found out the worry house of remaining Yao, he sent a diplomatic corps and checked a worry house and hid private attach population and contain more than 400s, hence immediately issue on order and make worry every family lord worry being good to leave city, meeting history Wang Fu inside the Ji, remaining Yao county make Liu Li fail to report the facts and sit and resign from office and flow Tu north mansion border district.
Huan the thus scathing means is a line of, river each left county county politics is of a pure, but everywhere Hao strong noble family although"Yin Wei" being forced to Huan doesn't dare pure move, but fury and grudge of their in the mind more and more deep.

The river of the text chapter 233 is left poor, Huan Wen Jing Zhong Tiao Jian(two)
Renew time:2009-1-70:15:01 chapter word numbers:7214

Take charge of Ma Wen hair slowly, Yang state the people build wide Ling city, Xi town it.Advertise for service since Li, the dead Shi 45, common people Jie hatred.Secretary Jian too original Sun Sheng makes 《Jin spring autumn 》 and keeps book current news;Big department Ma Wen sees it, Nu, call prosperous Confucius said:"The dynasty song truly talks for defeating, woulding not being such as gentleman!If this history hence go, naturally close a gentleman gate matter!"Its son suddenly thanks humbly, please change it.The prime of life is old home, sex the square is strict, there is track degree, although the descendant is gray, treat it more Jun.It is a various son to go to is a total number Qi Ji, please account for 100 people slicing.Is prosperous great anger, forbid, various son hence is private to change it.Is prosperous have already written first don't originally, northern mansion spread, have Chang-an an university property to publish, spread of the river is left, the Huan is male the diagram is what then.
----------The preface makes a summary
Too and five years of winter, the wide Ling city greatly takes charge of a horse to go at, at leading of a grounds family servant under, the Huan is blunt to get a Huan stone of Qian write walked into the den of Huan.
"Young child all completed satisfactorily to be?"Hear someone walk to come in, the Fu raises head in Huan on the table and saw one eye 2 people then and soft-voicedly ask a way.
"The words that return to elder brother, two elder brothers' coffins have already handed back to declare city, is buried to graveyard in clan inside."The Huan blunt arch hand answers a way.
"The imperial enactment of imperial government's making track for an imperial enactment of cloud son has already come down and present even south general, Yi Yue Zhen."Huan Wen Weng Weng ground the low voice say.
", Uncle's adult, this makes track for also too thin?"Flank of Huan stone the Qian call get up.Really, river left imperial government unlike north mansion, the general gold of north is probably expensive, get the mansion soldier of one state to just get one generally lowest three will, the general of south a grasp a , what general the names all have, confering posthumous honors the even south general was a little bit cold Chen.But that Yue Zhen perhaps still see on the face of Huan to the ground.
"Cloud son was too anxious in the Xiang sun."Huan saw one eye oneself's nephew and just lightly answered a way.
The Huan hurtles and Huan stone the Qian is all intelligent person.Is very quick and then listen to understand.Huan cloud temperament is honorable, regardless garrison in the Xiang sun, still just wide Ling even Pan, use a matter very hasty, regardless is to recruit, or adjust to gather food grass, but strongly press place officialdom.Although is to have ambition at a foot soldier, many waste over, as a result make to arrive regardless is an officialdom still common people's noble family in the place.It is many Jie to all resent.If not that because Huan administers big power, early be had the form chapter to take charge of impeachment to drown.So party in government in inside the outside lose public support of Huan cloud is thus as a result also idea to anticipate in of affair.
And this Huan cloud died very suddenly and just to help Huan Wen Qu Jing inspector officer Cang lacked a food case and then met sudden death and plused Huan is being occupied in river left"reform".In order to improvement imperial government of"public finance condition", one is still need dynasty the medium match inhibit early public sentiment dashing high noble family in the door, two is at burned under also have no energy go to heel these dynasty the officers pulled skin, hence also compromise.
The Huan stone Qian originally still means to say what, but the hair seeing in the head of oneself uncle that a flower white still has that distressedly face, but could not say what any further.
See the Huan hurtle and the Huan stone Qian didn't make a voice, Huan then received 2 people to sit down.
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