
beats by dre studio hd cry to shout an one

The war of the world text chapter 131 Duo island(next)
There isn't any one cloud in the night sky, a circle month is in Qing Lake that blue and empty voyage that look endless, only the Gu ground casts net a ground of lonesome shining glory and infects by the 1 F silver white on the ice noodles and seems to be radiant and extremely keen and far and far comes to a line of black mark on the white very bright ice noodles.They unexpectedly is one brigade several hundred people ride soldier's brigade, the speed makes them able to speed on the ice noodles.
The south Ji cloud takes the lead, he continuously and anxiously hopes positive south of a little bit bright, already four more, the campfire of that unknown reef still in the combustion, at this time.He has already seen the another of northeast direction a little bit bright, that is the war signal set of Tang Jun on a circumlittoral edge, and these two war signal sets contact Long Ju Dao in response to Long Cheng and the might of god city together, is with each other a Ji Cape.
Be assaulted in response to Long Cheng now, so the might of god city will can't rush through according to the earliest engagement to help, the south Ji cloud is anxious.
Went ten again several insides, east the sky have already appeared greenish white unclearly, at this time leave northeast shore already shortage 20 inside, at this time, one well-known scholar the soldier keep front to yell:"The general of the south, you see!"
Sees a troops of front just toward the this place disease soon and since then, more and more near, have already canned see Tang Jun's ensign Fan unclearly.
South Ji cloud a heart kept on sinking, Li Qing An worried most of the affair still took place.
Front of come to soldier is exactly Tang Jun of the might of god fortress, the king seldom leads 4,000 people to help wild Long Cheng in person, this is the order of the comfortable Han of elder brother, two fortresses are with each other Ji capes, one square is inheritted, the other party has to come to rescue, when the war signal of Qing Lake was flaming to set alight, and the king seldom led soldier to aid.
"Is the front general king?"
The south Ji cloud yells a , Zong Ma Ben comes forward, the king seldom stopped to fight a horse, way:"I am that the king is rare, took place He Shi?"
"General king, my house's general Lee's life I come to notify and vomit Fan the person take the offensive Long Ju Dao may be leave, take the offensive might of god city is true, general Lee invites you to immediately return."
The king seldom ate a surprised, he turns a head to hope to go to the war signal of south, he also feels some oddness, and how to have been putting out that war signal.
The king seldom also realized the severity of problem, he signed Hai a wave hand to make a way:"The battalion urgent returns to might of god city!"
Tang Jun's destrier adjusts a head toward the might of god city disease soon but go.
A wisp of morning glow covers with at the snow Feng of red Ling on, the mountain peak of white snow Ai Ai is shown to shine on a magnificent brilliance, at the moment, under the red Ling of might of god fortress but is to shout to kill an earthquake for sky, 30,000 vomit a Fan soldier to just and distinctly take the offensive might of god fortress, corpse of hillside horizontal clusters of, the blood Ning became ice and dyed the whole hillside red, a round per round lapidating machine, hit a megalith all over the place toward the city head.
The play of "bomb Long" rings since the city wall uploaded and often has big slice of wall skin to record to fall and vomits the heavy stone of Fan soldier to die Tang Jun to inhibit on the city head, several thousand vomit a Fan soldier already hurtle last mountain range, a ten Zhang long of offend a huge wood of city be slowly delivered to climb mountain.
One in addition to inside, vomit Fan commander-in-chief Ma Zhong Ying ride right away and hesitate the progress of war situation, his facial expression slowly peeps out one silk satisfied smiling face, he successfully adjusted Tang Jun's main force in the city to go to Long Ju Dao with the plan of diversion, inside the city of 1,000 guard a soldier how may resist live the aggression of 30,000 battalions, Tang Jun's might of god city already in his bag.
"The order that spreads me, the first offends into a city and appreciates 100 slaves, the sheep is 1000."
Vomit a Fan soldier the offensive is like tide, ten Zhangs grow of the huge wood start bumping shot city gate and"bomb" depressed of the huge sound resound between the valley, the city gate is violent to vibrate, city gate above of wall up spilted open 1 to sew.
Tang Jun of the city already death and harm near half, Wei in a school hurtles to the troops and horses pair to make Yang Jing Zi You Xi Hui's in front yell:"General has already not guarded to live, don't withdraw again, our whole army is routed."
Yang Jing Zi You Xi Hui's eyes all want act crack to bleed and threw to lose might of god city, Tang Jun takes the offensive the plan of red Ling from the northern side small will thoroughly fall through, how do they give an account to the elder brother comfortable Han commander in chief?
"Bomb Long!"Is an earthquake again the sky Be huge to ring, the fortress sways to move, Yang Jing Zi You Xi Hui stands unsteady, fall down in the ground, he climbs to yell:"Open back door, withdraw!"
The suspension bridge of back door slowly lets go of, several hundred ride to fight the horse speeds from the city but, along a small way ascended another mountain beam, Tang Jun finally gave up might of god city.
"Cause a sensation!"The might of god city front door opens widely.Thousandsly vomit a Fan soldier to pile into, Ma Zhong Ying chirps cachinnation to get up, he returns to body to make a way:"Can put out a war signal, take the offensive Long Ju Dao!"
Gradually put out along with the war signal, Long Ju Dao vomits a Fan soldier to take the offensive drumbeat to suddenly ring out on all sides and densely vomited a Fan soldier on the island, long pike soldier, the lance shield soldier, bow soldier, ride soldier, infantry, 1 brigade immediately after 1 brigade, be covered with to lock son A, shout an earthquake for sky, full of bellicosity.
At them is more than 100s to largely offend city weapon after death, scaling ladder, lapidating machine, all of this are Hahn people's craftsmans that takes captive from the right Long to produce, throw stone machine to go into under the foot of a hill, long the arm Zhi Zhi quack the ground draw back, the great commander theory Qi hides one knife of flicking to fight and roars loud a way:"The first, the second, the brigade of 3,000 people pounds at!"
Vomit the for the first time sounding out of the Fan soldier sex attack to start.
Skin drumbeat earthquake sky, 3,000 vomit the Fan soldier hurtles toward the mountain beam as the tidewater to, but the narrow mountain way makes them large-scale to hurtle up, hugely vomit a Fan military authority became small stream, constant but up.
Li Qing An of fortress stares at the war signal of afar to put out.He secretly sighs, the war signal puts out to mean the might of god city lost to the enemy and meant the elder brother's comfortable Han took the offensive accounting of red Ling to pare off to fail from the northern side, the bloody battle stone fortress city, won't be able to avoid.
"Seven Langs vomited a Fan soldier to kill to come up!"The Li doesn't guard Yu to in whisper remind him.
Li Qing An's way of thinking turns back at present, he hopes the vomiting of underneath overbearing aggression Fan soldier, not from cold cold on smiling, isn't a might of god city in response to Long Cheng.Even if come 100,000 vomit a Fan soldier again how?
"Throw stone machine preparation!"
On the fortress, 100 lapidating machines adjust to turn a direction and took aim at a mountain way, at this time vomit a Fan soldier have already ascended about thousand people, because of mountain way up be sprinkled water by Tang Jun, knot thick 1 F ice, smooth and matchless, root have no the place can climb and vomit the military advance of Fan soldier excrescent difficulties, their side climbs a side to dig road, near half of two-hour period, just go forward 20 Zhangs.
Talk about Qi to hide to explode with rage, roar a way:"Give me the Lei drum!"
Bomb Long Long ground the aggression drumbeat again ring out and press soldier's headway, at this time, the air spreads a burst of difference ring, halfway up a hill up of vomit Fan soldier title hope go to, sees the dense one megalith hit to their top of head, they frighten the ash fly a soul to spread and adjust a head to escape and disorder on one of mountain way, many people drive crowded next mountain way, the "Mao" a cake of whet a big megalith of dish to hit on the mountain way and vomit more than tens the Fan hit into meat patty and glue a flesh and blood corpse, vacillating to intensively vomit a Fan soldier to hit.Immediately bellow a voice to rise everywhere, big slice of the soldier vomiting Fan be hit by the megalith to turn over.The death and harm is miserably heavy.
The morrow is the second, the third megalith continuously hit, they are without remorse like mountain beam scavenger, sweep the whole, destroy everything, the first only 20 lapidating machines make effort, on the mountain way then again neither live, ascend thousand vomit Fan soldier to die a tragic death under Tang Jun's megalith.
The drumbeat stopped and vomited a Fan soldier to die generally silent, Tang Jun relentless defends to let each person the tremble with fear is frightened, the visions of owner all hurl to commander-in-chief theory the Qi hide, a man is a pass, ten thousand men don't open of geography, they can hold how many cents win a coupon?
Talking about Qi to hide is silent, he is that one is experienced and old will, he sees Tang Jun have already had full preparation, he isn't likely to depend manpower to take down this fortress, suddenly, he loudly makes a way:"The lapidating is ex- on board, intensively bombard enemy's fortress, scaling ladder preparation!"
This was his only way.
About ten thousand vomits Fan the soldier bomb several hundred lapidating machines the Long Long push to come forward and vomit a Fan soldier to have no technique to construct a heavy type lapidating machine, their lapidating machines are all medium-sized, the arm grows two Zhangs, behind place piece of stone in the Dou, several well-known scholar soldier fore noodles fierce Ye short arm rope, make use of carry on the shoulder the principle of pole will long start to grow Gao Gao Dan.Project piece of stone, lapidating machine the biggest artillery range that vomits a Fan soldier shoots for being 5-600, a lapidating machine needing 40 people Wan.
400 outsides, vomit Fan lapidating the machine started making effort, all over the place of the megalith Teng get empty but rise and roar and shout to hit toward the fortress, but Tang Jun's fortress is overalied by the very thick ice layer, solid if strongly fortified city, the megalith hits on the ice wall, hits an a way the white Leng print, megalith"bang!Bang"the ground hit on the city wall, the threatening force is huge, but has no true war effect.
However oddness BE, Tang Jun didn't counter-attack, though vomit inside the artillery range that the lapidating car of act soldier throws stone machine at Tang Jun, they still keep keeping silent and imitate Buddha Be waiting for what?
Severals vomited Fan to get to all feel some oddness, they walked to the theory in succession Qi to hide an in front soft-voiced way:"General, Tang Jun is definitely very peculiar, will have circumstance occurrence, we have to be careful."
Talked about Qi to hide to contemplate a short moment, way:"No matter have what circumstance occurrence, we the still have to beat, how otherwise give an account to the commander-in-chief, spread my order, the Lei drum urges a war and offends to climb mountain a precipice with the scaling ladder!"
The skin drum that vomits a Fan soldier again knocks to ring, "Dong!Dong!, Of huge drumbeat surging public, 10000 vomits a Fan soldier to all over the place rush at an edge and in the center mixs up with several scaling ladders at them and vomit the scaling ladder of Fan soldier is also learn from Tang Jun, "take big wood as a bed, descend place six" lord steps fixedly on the base, a few stepses can according to height arbitrarily flexible, tallest can reach to several Zhangs, although is still not enough to directly take to climb mountain a precipice,can hurtle ascend halfway up a hill, climb mountain from here then spacious get many.
Vomit the Fan soldier,such as spring tide, is flowed out, but Tang Jun still keeps keeping silent, 30 scaling ladders have already gradually closed to an edge and follow behind by the side of each scaling ladder several thousand well-known scholar soldier.
Li Qing An stands on the city wall and at quiet hopes the vomiting of ants sort Fan soldier wildly and flows out since then, he doesn't guard Yu to the Li a put to make a way:"Can start!"
Under the edge of vomit a Fan soldier and suddenly discover that Tang Jun's fortress appeared a difference mutually and curled up on white fog of fortress and spread a singing low of a kind of dragon that weirdly roar, imitate a Buddha inside the fortress, this kind of voice wear deeply public, make the soldier all have a kind of different felling in the heart, imitate a Buddha to have what matter will soon take place.
Suddenly, someone points at fortress to yell, sees rise long of matchless and huge blue in the fortress body and occupied the whole fortress and up spread all over a golden light flickering scale and float along with two Ji capes, a huge group leader appeared, it two eye golden lights are flickering, spew out white smoke in, huge body at or so swing.
The aggression that vomits a Fan soldier stopped, the owner foolishly hoped this green dragon.
"Long Wang in Qing Lake!"
Don't know is who yell 1, vomiting an of Fan soldier the feet are unsteady, started retreating, peeped out in everybody's eyes frightened of color.
Talking about Qi to hide to apprehensive in the heart is matchless, although he feels that appearing a green dragon from Tang Jun the fortress is a bit fantastic,this green dragon unexpectedly floats in mid air and lets him has to have several cents to believe, either.
Another green dragon sings low and sing low medium take a kind of exasperation of emotion.
"Great commander soldier how does?"One vomits Fan military officer low voice to ask a way:"Do we still want aggression?"
Talk about Qi to hide vision to suspiciously hope a green dragon, see the evidence that he seem to be already to sow to sink, short cut:"Then the etc. sees!"
Inside the fortress, more than 100 hot water inside the cauldrons***, the billowing water steam fills the air in the fortress and lie prone on the city head several 100 well-known scholar soldier, they pull thin long Suo.The body control's in mid air of Ultrasaurus, not the lockout moves, under the empress claw of Ultrasaurus, mourn a huge basket, pay a cauldron in the basket, the light of fire inside the pot is flaming, a great deal of of the hot air infuse to go into from the end of the tail of Ultrasaurus and mourn blue win two well-known scholar soldier without intermission to Qing in pot arrive kerosene, the hot air makes Long Shen inflate, and slightly and slightly float Gao at the city defense, far and far see go, be like an Ultrasaurus to hover around to get empty cloud and mist in the half in, make threatening gestures.Extremely lifelike
This is the hot air ball of most original Long Xing, from more than 20 female nurses use the summer of Tang Juns list the Shan Be small and soft to stitch, it can not fly high, can the high net starting to fly is more very high than the city defense is two Zhangs, Tang Jun once experiments several times, can already be almost certain.
At this time, the Li non- dollar gift flicks again, several hundreds of Tang Jun take a sheet iron speaking trumpet, another time together voice roars, send out one category singing low of dragon voice.
"Seven Langs hurry, the kerosene is using up!"The Li non- dollar gift low voice yells.
Li Qing An stares at to vomit a Fan soldier and sees them almost have already got into an ambush turn, he then sparks one made of iron rocket of paying and slowly take aim at an edge under of one Wang black pond.
"Shoot!"He a make next, listen to 1 Ultrasauruses exasperation of roar, Long Kou Da Dun piece, from the group leader immediately flew under the fireball of two regiment flaming combustions, Gao the highland throw toward enemy's soldier, imitate the Buddha is from Long Kou spew out, in the owner visions all concentrate on the fire regiment, Li Qing An's rocket projected, the rocket in the sky imitates a Buddha is fireball up drop down Mars, accurately shot into a black pond, that is a kerosene that in advance places, along with the setting alight of kerosene,beats by dre studio hd, a front line to vomit a Fan soldier to keep rushing toward but go to, will vomit a Fan soldier to frighten avoid being seen to the both sides in succession, at this time, bury at under the crushed stones of the explosive wrap and big gun battle like forty explode, one by one, at vomit a Fan soldier the foot blast open, immediately black smoke billowing, the red Yan bursts out, deep-fried vomit a Fan soldier flesh and blood horizontal fly, bellow a voice and cry to shout an one.
"Ground fire thunder!Long Wang in Qing Lake's ground fire thunder!"
Make to vomit a Fan soldier to scare to death to the spirit's fearing, they turn round to run about wildly, person crowded the person, person trample a person, person's horse tramples each other and imitates a Buddha spring tide to send back ocean, they have no life ground to rush to escape in Qing Lake, even talk about the Qi hide to also forbid not to live to kneel down and kowtow Xie Zui toward the spirit.
At this time, the fireball of the innumerable of city flies and in the center accompanies with to burn an explosive pack to throw down, is vomiting the Fan soldier top of head explosion, the Chi Yan flies high, the explosion voice is astounding, and the ground fire became thunder in the sky and vomited a Fan soldier to scream hysterically to scream madly and had already thoroughly collapsed.
Several hundred scaling ladders and lapidating machine are one after another sparked, the wildfire spreads on the island, the innumerable vomits a Fan soldier to die fire sea, this war, vomit a Fan soldier to die or injure about 5,000 people.The original plan besieges Tang Jun but brings over a long period of time of ten remaining ten thousand stone foods and innumerable put heavy the tent throw to lose in the island.
Long Wang in Qing Lake the treasure on sky show supernatural power for seven November, yearses and make to vomit the Fan person's ghost extremely frightened, until the stone fortress city battle ends, even hereafter of several, have no one to vomit Fan any further the person dare to step on Long Ju Dao one step.
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