
Beats Solo HD an Feng is also inat

Medium the hall will send a person report letter is to the country Tai, so, this officer would urgently and hotfoot rush through.With the case that the 珅 thinks that I am to want to go to Shandong to check in advance, but, he has never thought, my purpose is in fact the courier who comes to grasp him!"Qian Feng is also inattentive that person's impoliteness, just turn over to reply go to of play a letter of beginning the inside.The envelope has been already opened, very obviously, the ground in the letter contents has already exposed as well.
"That how again?That however is a letter, can win an adult to us how?"Liu Qi is also the courier who sends with 珅 to send letter for country Tai, one face is overbearingly rude, still don't put money Feng in the eye.
"How?Hum, Liu Qi, you are since a courier, should know, sometimes, a contents of letter is good enough to break the prospect of sending many people even at the life.You and medium although the hall is smart, can he is also a person!He ground the neck is not what iron beat either!"Qian Feng Shuang's eye is suffused with red, but remain brightly.
"I am just to send letter ground, don't know anything!"Liu Qi's neck is one Geng, remain intransigent.
"Hey, letter all here, your boy incredibly still so is the mouth hard?The letter doesn't believe the Yes to you ascend big Xing?"The gape that is small to fluently can not bear, beat first, again beside threat way.
"Hum, if you dare to ascend Xing, I recruit!Recruit, I withdrew a confession again and told you to confess to false charges under torture when the time comes!"
"Ha ……you return stand ghost Jing you!"Small agreeable Le Le sleeves, will come forward to begin.
"Go!"Qian Feng certainly can't allow in the big hall to present to public a whole martial line of, waved hand to stop small agreeable, also no longer see that Liu's ensign, again to the spring hair of the week way:"The week county makes, since this person don't recruit, you first keep on escorting.Record, there is no the order of this officer or adult Liu.No matter is who, also forbid to lift to walk this person, forbid more to leak out information!"
"BE is BE, adult to the utmost please trust.Descend an officer definitely and sincerely Zun Jun to make!"The week spring hair repeatedly answers a way.
"That good!"Qian Feng slightly ordered a head and then started to stand.
"That ……adult money!"See money Feng turn round and walk, week spring hair again suddenly call way.
"What matter do you still have?"Qian Feng asks a way.
"Adult money, you promise officer that ……" week spring delivers two hands to have no Cuo, desire speech again,Beats Detox.
"Hum, are you still not bashful to say?Only a county makes, you incredibly dare to owe debts a database silver to reach to 100002 of huge, you know this if theory comes and enough behead.H'm?"Qian Feng's facial expression is rigorous, the voice listens to at the person, is more matchless and severely cold.
"BE is BE, descend an officer to know wrong.Adult money also ask you to substitute officer more to beg in front of imperial envoy adult and descended an officer also be really forced however!"The week spring hair cries to lose a face way.
"Hum, if not that reading at you is be compelled however, also being regarded as feeling to have can good luck, do you think that this officer also allows a safe steady station of your Anne here?"The spring that looking at a week delivers 1 if lose the shape of testing the Bi, Qian Feng's tone finally has to slow down, " this officer can say to the imperial envoy adult, please adult at up present the this top of moving of emperor asks for a favor for you, just, end how exactly will, that is about to see yourself!"
"BE is BE, descend an officer understand, descend an officer to definitely help adult with all strength!"The week spring hair repeatedly answers a way.
"That good!"Qian Feng once turns round and also no longer realized the county of this timidity to make and took small follow to without telling anyone leave.Go to this, just just get to Shandong in less than a day, he have already torn off a son of the case of country Tai all alone, even inside still some affairs led long unite and 珅 .
"Ye, you say what adult should arrive where now?"Have no in the county Ya, Qian Feng Gen is small to fluently change good clothes to leave, they from have abode.
"How?Is thinking again delicious?"Qian Feng Tou doesn't turn as well and just say with smile.
"That BE, somebody else what adult much generous.The delicious tube is sufficient, can be much stronger than you!"It is small to fluently say with smile.
"Hum, edible for you!"Qian Feng smiled for a while, and then said:"I don't know as well what adult arrived where now.Presumably shoulded arrive Texas ……"
"Alas, I still really think breakfast again see what adult!Speak of, the somebody else returned to burn to put in chicken to that 202, O.K. one more person?Can you are it happened that and not to let a flower!"Is small fluently and dissatisfied way.
"Money is a somebody else of, must still return to sooner or later, the of course not can spend indiscriminately.As for meet again, alas ……really want when the time comes, that the adult want to invite us to eat of, perhaps isn't what dishes to go with wine!We although it is said are to have first a hand this time, but from that what the means of adult to see, true if the Dou gets up, perhaps also not is what save an oily light."Qian Feng's title tooks a look a night sky, some tiny exclamations.Shandong is offshore to be as inshore as Shandong, those are two totally different places, even the person will also "change".

Volume 2:Capital city's drifting along to record chapter 91 this person is getting over!
Renew time:2008-6-2919:55:50 chapter word numbers:3844

The name is very good, but regrettable person how not.With as for Shandong all spreads such a words everywhere:Country Tai, the people then is uneasy!
As early as Peking city, He Gui once heard this country Thailand to cruise to fondle to is that one is very overbearing domineering, very disgusting guy.Really after meeting, he just discovers, this still really not be regarded as rumours, but fact!
Be like now, he personally at looking at country Tai Xun person, the spittle flies indiscriminately, Mercury in disorder dance, have already had in the face to is a lot of to all spray him-right.That drive Xun of, is himself.
"What do you are a stem to eat??Even is two to greatly live persons all ability with throw,Beats Solo HD, you forgot and medium the hall send you come is stem what of?"
The country Tai is everywhere face, its person recruits a person to notice most of, is that than the ordinary people greatly the mouth last the first!However, at this moment, this open mouth an inside of speak words really is how not pleasing to listener.
"Have been already finished saying?"
He Gui isn't very great, continued to walk faster for two day, also that small traffic store outside the city to sleep one between the river good feel, other of time, have been all being walking faster.This just just from Texas rushed through to come over, the person was still blurred, was to cruise and fondle Ya door to report a report, the result was been small half of two-hour period by the Liang don't say over there, on meeting, was split so one of cranium face to bawl out again, how can this make him feel the mood dulcify?
"What do you say?"
Just a six article lord matter just, although is come over with 珅 parties, but, in the eyes of country Tai, what expensive can not calculate top is what person, so, after hearing He Gui that very not and greatly counter-question, the country Tai temporarily and unexpectedly didn't can respond to come over.
"I say that the country greatly cruises to fondle.If you finished saying.Finish scolding, can descending the officer seek a ground son rest to take a rest?I have already all the way rushed through,Beats by Dre Just Beats, very tired!"He Gui Hun inattentively looking at this is staring to ownly cruise to fondle.Beat a gape, lightly said again.
"You ……"
"See come is don't say of.Descend an officer to excuse to leave!Adult your favour!"
Looking at country Tai drive oneself a words choke over there, He Gui is also inattentive, literally embraced to embrace a boxing, turned round and then went toward to outside walk!Don't so not know somehow thing, no wonder that the everyones all dislike.Don't know as well to have a liking for this with 珅 exactly which some.Incredibly still intend to help he succeed in escaping offense to punish!
The country Tai original temper isn't good, is worrying again how to should to the inspecting of imperial envoy, He Gui incredibly dares to take no cognizance so his ground now existence, taking no cognizance him is the dignity that a province cruises to fondle, finally, endured very long-term quick temper to break out.
"You well big of courage!"
He 32 exceed ex- He Gui Shen to block, and then stretch hand to point out He Gui's nose, roars way.
"Adult.The two of us person depends so nearly, you need not without any reason waste physical strength so loudly, so not good!"Dig ear.He Gui is still a don't care.
"You ……"
"I how again?I am a good heart, adult you roar so loudly.To throat very not Related articles:

