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The door is Qi Dazhu himself . He looked Yang Yan ,don ,said: who are you ,who is busy? , relationresultYang Yandao: are you Qi Dazhu ? , relationresultQi Dazhu: I am he nodded , relationresultYang Yandao: my name is million ,is looking for you , relationresultQimain pillar : what are you looking for ? , relationresultYang Yanlooked into the house ,see the house also has three or four people ,is about Qi Dazhu ,said: you can find a quiet place to some ,I have some secret thing to say to you , relationresultQi Dazhu thought,to house called a sound ,took Yang Yan to his own family behind, here is very quiet ,also piles pile .
Qi main pillar : you in here, what do you say ? , relationresultYang Yandao: do you want to save your future daughter in law , relationresultQimain pillar winced, immediately said: think ,want to do is ,this big brother, you can save Xiaojuan ?As long as you have the means to save Xiaojuan ,Qi Dazhu will give you kneel one head ,the next life is to give your cattle and horses would .
his knees began to give Yang Yan ,really kneel down .relationresultYang Yanrushed to him : don ,so to speak , relationresultQimain pillar stood up ,said: Sir ,you have what way can save Xiaojuan , relationresultYang Yandao: only one way ,that is to kill the snake ,not only your future daughter in law of salvation ,and this area village alone would be saved , relationresultQi Dazhu istaken aback ,fibrillation channel : kill boa God God ? , relationresultYang Yan: he nodded to ,only to kill the snake ,in order to guarantee the security of this area .
This time I just wanted to get rid of them ,can you help me to start , relationresultQi Dazhulooked at Yang Yandao : Boa God ,but the Millennium Tao Python fine ,how do you want to kill him ,is it right? What spell , relationresultYang Yanyao shook his head,suddenly : Qi main pillar ,you look in my eyes ,I have a look than the python who is strong , relationresultQi Dazhu looked atYang Yan ,saw Yang Yan eyes sharp eyes shine ,a sting, suddenly feel a great pressure to hit, just feel weakness ,shortness of breath ,heartbeat is accelerated .
Yang Yan was also shorter than him half a head ,but he felt like Yang arthritis than their more general tall ,under their own breath . I can with : I groan ... Yes, I am. But he could not say a word .
relationresultI donhow for a long time ,all of a sudden pressure release, everything returned to normal .Qi Dazhu just feel the sweat has exposed wet clothes ,Dakoutaikou panting ,cheap dr dre beats,said: a million man ,what is this spell , relationresultYang Yan smiled and said: this is not what the spell ,I am just an ordinary person ,but the snake is not what the Millennium Python essence ,but is larger than ordinary python .
Other monsters who also dress up .So do not fear them ,you dare to help me remove them , relationresultQi Dazhugasps it down ,he wond look see Yang Yan ,the face of continuous variable in several colors ,finally biting the bullet, said: well ,I hear you ,you want me to do? , relationresultYang Yandao: is when given them , relationresultQimain pillar : the day after tomorrow night , relationresultYang Yan:he nodded but it should be kept secret ,today I live in Qi home ,will leave tomorrow .
I have a friend to help, these days you can find me a secluded place to live ,don the village people know , relationresultQi Dazhu thought: outside the village of Sun Valley field my mill ,the key is in my hand, others are unable to enter ,is a little shabby ,I do not know , relationresultYang Yandao: that nothing ,see if you can live it ,tomorrow morning I go ,you follow behind me to keep silent ,as a village alone we meet ,you lead us to your home to mill ,where we are talking about the next step of how to do ,but this do you go back to the future must not tell anyone ,okay? , relationresultQimain pillar : good ,I take your advice .
I wait for you at the village entrance , relationresultAtwo day early in the morning ,Yang Yan and Xin ring to neat old man go ,Yang Yan went to the village of his shop and bought some food ,the food for a few days .
Then pulls Hai Dong Qing ,symplectic ring with small tiger all left the village alone .Qi Dazhu waited at the entrance to the village ,see them gone ,in the back of far behind .relationresultAfter walking for a while,he came yesterday and LX meeting place ,where Ryosho Ki is waiting .
Then Qi Dazhu came to meet them. Yang Yan gave them was introduced later ,Qi Dazhu brought them to his home in the mill .relationresultFour take 2 , relationresultLast nightYang Yan had to think of a plan of action ,a few people left the mill in settle down after, Yang Yan asked Qi main pillar : that a group of people living there ,beats by dre uk?Have you no , relationresultQimain pillar : I send them tribute went to two ,they lived to the East about forty miles in a valley , relationresultYang Yandao: into the valley there are several roads ? , relationresultQimain pillar : this is a death valley ,there is only one way in and out, but in the valley to have a pool ,here came down from the mountain streams will flow into the puddle , relationresultYang Yandao: before you send them the girls are sent by you ? , relationresultQimain pillar : the first few times they have to, then are we sent.
They are Taniguchi generally have one sentry, but we are generally simple look at the pass ,there is also a post card ,the general thing is placed there, then we to leave. But in second post there we can see the Valley ,sometimes also can see the python God God , relationresultYang Yandao: you help us and may not be enough ,except you ,you have to pay nearly a few villages and not willing to remove the pythons person , relationresultQimain pillar : yes, do not hide the truth from two uncle said ,actually we here only several village mayor ,is ,old people go ,all young men hate them up ,will be willing to help , relationresultYang Yan:he nodded these situations you should know better than me ,these days you can go find some people to help ,but must move surreptitiously, don the village, old people know.
But find someone better is a strong hunter .Will you bring them all here ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,but also with your hunting tools ,weapons ,I arranged such as to action , relationresultQimain pillar : well, I paused ,said: well, this thing can you tell Xiaojuan ? , relationresultYang Yan thought: can also be ,but be sure to her secret, don out of the wind ,but was mayor ,old people know ,or that a group of people perceive ,so our plan will not , relationresultQi Dazhusaid : I know that ,I one.
said immediately not not go. , relationresultQi Dazhugone ,Ling Xiang said: brother ,the villagers can do what? Why go with them to help . I think as long as one or two people the way to go , relationresultYang Yandao: to kill the constrictor and the gang ,natural or we two people ,other people just keep Taniguchi ,don out of the net .
In the valley is only one road ,a few people ,should not be difficult to defend .Into the valley to kill the Python only two of us , relationresultLing XiangHe nodded : well ,you want to be is week , relationresultYang Yansaid: if I guess right, the python must live in water Tan ,among them some people use whistling call . Related articles:

