
www.beats4monster.co.uk der to prevent it is

But become he whets the Li he's tool, he would not pass this to toughen as well, even if Carter didn't keep watch on him his own good opportunity of.
As for whether his judgment is correct, that will depend actual come examine.
The match Lei Di Ya is excitedly:"Too like, I must see mysterious Mi of that absolute being of Carter actually want to do what, connect what person!The elder brother of the meteor, we right away past?"
The eastern meteor title saw one eye the color of the sky, way:"Is not worried, I miss them for sweeping something under the carpet, affirmation will do in the evening and arrive that valley to have no from here how far, we are needless to become nervous."
"Ha ha, I think now those sorceries teachers that keep watch on us to are definitely anxious, we how did all of the trace have no?Perhaps that Carter starts doubting that we were his enemies."
Say, the eastern meteor is cold cold on smiling, liking to be his enemy will have awakening, the war household treats the enemy's consistent tradition is to uproot to thoroughly destroy completely, otherwise of words, once had numerous enemies at endless history war household in the long river, each member who made track for the road of strength because continuously advertised for war to challenge strong of the cause would knot large numbers of enemies, if don't destroy completely these enemies thoroughly, they where can also have been keeping the secret of reside clan, household early drive the Ao orchid compare second world to be familiar with.
"Is sovereign and unknown, go to strong have no voice" want to truely carry out this proverb, is also need means.
Thoroughly of rest later on, the eastern meteor makes the females put on armor again, although he just wants to is an on-looker(currently he also only have be the on-looker's real strenght),Be not afraid of 10,000 currently afraid in case of, work well completely preparation always inerrable.
Although heart in unavoidably awkward and shy, connect small spots all drive they to rush through from a distance, the match Lei Di Ya and star's copying still don't evade confrontation with of change to wear armor in the in front of east meteor, for putting on inside own whole body type inside chain A, the match Lei Di Ya even took off dress skirts first to all wear an underwear down, in their hearts, oneself was already the person of east meteor, if the eastern meteor likes his/her own shape, that is again good however of.
The eastern meteor is to take off first his/her own clothes, then wear lock A, outside first grade one by one well, wear armor is also the proficient technical ability that a real warrior wants, think in the shortest time inside complicated of inside A, outside AN even is an armor of subsidiary material's all wearing isn't a simple affair very much, for the first time get in touch with the person of armor afraid of even if the fee is first half sky of of time can not also wear like a battle armor.
However the eastern meteor is 3 people but absolute superior in this aspect, they are dressed in the speed of armor in no case worse than those troops old soldiers who make contact with with armor all day long, say the creation of these armors again, they also participated in and acquainted with each part of armor, wearing couldn't appear any mistake.
Wait the whole prepare to stop be behind, at east meteor of lead under,www.beats4monster.co.uk, 3 people's figure turns moment disappear at cluster mountain Jun Ling in, left those unbearably dilapidated tree awl.

The second gathers chapter 8 good play to connect a field
Renew time:2008-5-610:54:16 chapter word numbers:3524

Although eastern meteor 3 people plus a small spot of evil line zebra again to open a new road headway in the woods,this is basically a simple meal to them, in the bush they even than still want on the street of town many easy, that rugged road and very airtight grove reach not to become any bar to them, because they be at the environment precinct chief like this is big.
Ten several distances of insides soon disappeared in their feet, the communication absolute being said by eastern meteor showed off empire and compare benefit Si the grand canyon of the Kingdom appear at their at present, because this cluster mountain that is the only canyon that a thing heads for, rise and fall over there in form the Xia way of together long long flection, look very of attractive.
"Young master, I saw, their right there!"
The star copies matchless quickly climbed to Gao Gao's big tree most crest place, visit eyes four attend to of she was very quick and then discovered a target, see a canyon of exit came together a lot of people, the this time wasn't those children to tell east the meteor of one squad person, fully have many 100 people, she even still saw Carter and Wei gram is many figures in the crowd.
Moreover, all of these people all hold weapon, many people of nearby still have whole body cover with to hang of horse, although is still businessman or is the foppery of risky on their body,across so far distance, the star copies to still feel their strain with solemn and peaceful, now of their looking be no longer a company's brigade, but a troops!
Fell to the ground the situation that she will see behind to tell eastern meteor, the at that moment eastern meteor held the chin sneer way:"See to us is indeed as expected to come at opportune moment today, at the right moment catch up!Carter's company's brigade however more than 100 persons, now overwhelming majority person all here, the encampment became an empty hull son, no wonder that they no longer allowed other people to close to.In my eyes, perhaps they can't return to encampment again, either, here complete after the task they will the path keep leaving."
The match Lei Di Ya way:"The elder brother of the meteor, that how should we do?Looking at them so in a side?"
The eastern meteor was cold to hum a , way:"Can't, who make us only have currently to be the on-looker's real strenght?This world is BE talked by real strenght, we today clear up them first actually at make what ghost, also have them to really slice an identity, leave of hereafter slowly make them return again!"
The match Lei Di Ya also knows just currently can thus, the another person temporary not says, that many old men were really too strong, can connect her this sorcery by hard sword private's identity of the knight match with to sit to ride of a record "is heavy to stab" with all strength, this is the how strong Dou physical strength quantity, if the words of strength ratings that compares a second world according to the Ao orchid, that many old men is perhaps also an above crystal class sword private at least, three people of oneself really far and far aren't an opponent currently.
The direction of 3 people the facing Carter's a group of people continues to go forward, however the activity changes very of caution, they don't want to disturb the other party and connect in the mouth of small spot be all filled last a tree branch title write, in order to prevent it is by accident willing send out interjection.
When the exit that is apart from that grand canyon still has several inside far of time, 3 people again stopped down, can not before continuing again go, see among those people have the quite a few sorcery teacher that wears full-length gown, they will not establish next use to detect of sorcery knot boundary just strange, , although three armors on the Human bodies own the strongest sorcery immunity dint, after all isn't that the sorcery is null and void, even if among Long Zu can attain an also only having of the complete sorcery immunity dark black Ultrasaurus, a little bit aer little bit of the reaction can disturb those the sorcery teacher of constitution knot boundary, so still caution is wonderful.
Hence, three people drilled into a cluster of extremely thick bushes of the hillock central part inside, can clearly see arrive under the whole over there, small spot because of target more obvious cause be stayed at back, however distance combine not too far, can wait for invoking of the match Lei Di Ya at any time.
Because none of three people understands those can see long-distance to leave portrait or is listen to voice for afar of sorcery, they have to the direct eyes see, the subordinates that sees those Carters are in the exit arranging of the grand canyon of very neat of, have general plain troops like a training, but if east meteor of the judgment have no false of words, they were originally a troops.
Carter stands positive center in the troops, the or so both sides stands Wei grams respectively the sorcery teacher that much wear red full-length gown with one attires of person, because the this person head conceals in the full-length gown Dou cause within hat, could not see his face, however he since ability and Wei gram many old men that strong sword private stand together, think come again weak also weak not arrive where go to.
"The elder brother of the meteor, you guessed a rightness and saw their appearances, indeed as expected is at etc. what person."
The match Lei Di Ya gathers together oneself's that rosy small mouth to the ear way of east meteor, in fine threads and fragrant breath and young girl inebriate the person's You You body joss-stick to keep the nose of streaming into the east meteor in, change to do side the person's words is perhaps Related articles:

