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Soldier a series of battle loss was miserably heavy, especially reached Man-Ni at Anne before now section Ba islands of in the landing operation, fought in the beachhead with follow-up street fighting in 13 group soldiers lost a great deal of mechanization heavy the type equiped, had to adjust to return to country inside carry on resting whole.
"Army commander Lee worried needlessly!Is in fact this time to take out to adjust 13 group soldiers return to country, not pure is Ma Fang Nan's mountain.But is that the Central Military Commission is another to is good to strive for.52 infantry mountainous country trip this time also will together with the expensive soldier return to domestic together.Believing army commander Lee can't not understand a herein deep idea!"The beard Wei breeze lieutenant general is tiny tiny on smiling, although changing to the winds and clouds southwest frontier beard Wei breeze in China of Huan can not also predict next stage to actually will take place what, undoubtedly will own a great deal of technique material, flexibility stronger withdrawing Chengdu not only can create a kind of situation of mitigation among nations in 13 group soldiers.Can even have already had in the circumstance of various possible emergence of the southwest war situation of next stage don't suffer from, Be signed to an invincible position.
"Your meaning is to say ……."Hear the beard Wei breeze lieutenant general at the moment some kind of words, Li Guang Han's major general immediately comes to spirit.His double eyes in imitate a Buddha and have already seen in print two country northern frontier on the snow mountain of that Wei E, a river valley with deep.Probably new brilliancy just first-class stay oneself and own in the broad battlefield proud history of 13 group soldiers.
"Ha ha, no matter how it is, say, 13 group soldiers should well make use of this time win field opportunity for taking a rest, hold firmly time to rest the whole troops.Also want Zhen Ge to treat a morning at the same time, after all India the local situation is still not clear and distinct currently.May appear the insect of centipede very much, die but not the circumstance of Jiang."The beard Wei breeze lieutenant general understands Lee too much only man's this member is fierce will, at the moment any information for revealing, all will drive he holding tight of prison prison, after returning to Chengdu 13 group soldiers probably will then can reply the best combat status within few weeks.
"Is not have been already signed 《 peaceful pact 》 ?"Lee only man the major general Be preparing for a fight and smiling to pursue to talk to open of play trick a way."The desperate fight is besides 1 a wish to make his/her own one square big country that is orotund to shock a world!"The beard Wei breeze lieutenant general stretches out his/her own right hand and tightly grasps the right hand of Li Guang Han's major general, the beard Wei breeze lieutenant general has already seen at the moment 81 military flags flaunt over there the Himalayas the strategic main route of the vein south ascent on.
"We stand here at the moment and face the long history of India navy and honour first the generation take an oath, we will dare to die to protect broad Indian Ocean."The naval base-Wei sand card in India that gets close to Bangladesh gulf big waves the Pa is especially southern, student in the military school of harbor area outside several hundred India navy of one depression at the moment is standing is changed by an ex-service old old submarine to set up but become of India submarine museum before, uncover the square one that oneself gets into the true war sequence of India navy with the very hot asseveration.The young man that from now on engraves these yesterdays to still start studying in India Man many Wei college of navies will ascend respectively of the battleship beginning is on the ocean of fight to kill.
The earliest history of India navy can trace back to till September, 1612, British established the brigade in the first eastern navy of India company in India, and the on the water defeated a Portuguese for many times, later on England is in India coast on the setup shipbuilding, is thus the navy of eastern India company to provide with a vessel, don't fall for the day the empire is in the Indian Ocean and top in the far east region and France, Portugal etc. country navy to battle out sea the important help of the rights.In 1830, eastern navy of India company changes name to India navy for the very first time, and gradually renew the sail of boat battleship of the originality as steam power warship ship, and change name to Royal India navy in 1892.In two wars, Royal India navy and British navies advertise for a war in the battlefield of each ocean of world together on.
But when in 1946 India and Pakistan and mutually and continuously and independently behind, once strong Royal India navy originally should drive India and Pakistan two country partition, illiberality of British left to India 2 escort warships, a light escort warship and a little amount mine sweeper, and tugboat...etc., the flower roll of all of its personnels altogether not arrive 20 pages.But the unique is worthy of rejoicing is that their opponents are smaller and weak, when British of 1946 leaves, Pakistan and basically haven't talked up can used for the strength of Sea War.
The then India premier for all that Ni He the Lu still keep realizing to own one strong navy's importance of paying.In subsequent period of time, the budget budget of India navy and the scale of the vessel all had steady extension and growth, India government needs an interest moment in 100 fees in the nation in 1948, and unexpectedly momentary British navy who purchased to be named "Delhi" backs service cruiser.When India navy of 1953 holds the first-time naval review, India navy already the first step own 25 forecastle seas war capability.
Is unique dissimilarity of is in this affair, because of want for the navy's ranking officer, navy's commander in chief in India and fleet direct military officer still have to is served as by British Royal navy's military officer next year.The forerunner's vessel and material can be spent money to buy, but the loyalty develops at the navy talented person of oneself's motherland but's the navy college of military that can pass into system.But the Man is many Wei navy's colleges, exactly India to train the school of navy entry-level military officer, it establishes in January, 1969 and be located in the south of can city.
Man many Wei navy's colleges mainly recruit of is the navy who graduates from India entry-level college of national defense in command of professional student, its main task is BE navy development and transport young commanding officer.The college establishes conductor, navy aviation soldier etc. profession, the student carries on classroom professional theory study in the college first, then uses 22 weeks time arrive to train in the warship practice, the training category has a voyage technique, navigates, electrical engineering and correspondence technique etc..Train be over through investigate qualified after, give out the vessel on duty military officer certificate, give in command of professional second lieutenant soldier title.After teaching a title, have to also take part in 52- weeks professional training that holds at Ke Qin, assign each troops again to work thereafter.India navy stipulates that the military officer that only directs professional graduation, just entitles to serve as a warship long with shore radicle all levels conductor organization lord officer, including navy's chief of staff.Many Wei navy's colleges took out to adjust a great deal of student into a front line work from the Man at the moment, not simplicity for adding the depletion of one stage war, more because state of emergency committee core in India nation the virtuous Er full general of member-Joe's city urgently infused into more fresh bloods unfaithful to ruler truly at own India navy, he was eager to need will more forced at the pressure but lowered the head toward oneself of India navy the elder statesmen the post from they last draw down.
India navy presses India peninsula east, west, the south and Anne reach Man-Ni the section expect islands and neighborhood waters respectively divide the line is 4 navy's commander's headquarterses in region in the east, the west and the south and far east.Among them, western navy's commander's headquarters establishes in the Mumbai, govern the west fleet, weave to have more than half the number destroyers in India and escort warship and submarine, be responsible for the defense of Arabian sea, its major base has Yu to buy, Ma Ha pull to pull especially, card Di second tile Er and tile the hero pull to expect beard and lately- set up Asia's biggest naval base-Qatar Mu Ba base.But eastern navy's commander's headquarters establish especially southern in the Wei sand card Pa, under govern the east fleet, its major base has Calcutta and the Wei sand card Pa the south and Ma De pull Si especially the navy stand and Wei Er Ba Hu submarine base, its magistracy is the east circumlittoral and Bangladesh gulf.Southern navy's commander's headquarters establishes in the section Qin, under establish navy the aviation soldier's commander's headquarters, and be responsible for navy college training at the same time.
Navy commander's headquarters location-Anne in the far east in India reaches Man-Ni the section after expecting the control that the islands fell into Chinese troops still saves of the 3 greatest commander's headquarterses of India navy have already had to carry to have to protect the whole heavy responsibility of Indian Ocean,www.beats4monster.co.uk.India government once thought only sea strength in India is enough strong, guarded virtuous straits of the Man of twos important position-Arabian sea of the most important throat direction of leading to the Indian Ocean and Ma Liu Jia's straits, can effectively control the whole Indian Ocean, and after the hostile strength breaks these two straitses, India navy has to control as well Bangladesh gulf and Arabian sea to guarantee the safety of India thing two wings.
For the sake of the safety of protection India, gradually complete the control to the Indian Ocean, India takes mainland as center and divide the line Indian Ocean for"absolute Related articles:

