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, The elder brother comfortable Han got artillery to raise wood trainings to all end.
Yesterday, the elder brother comfortable Han idea was signing Wei, intentionally made difficulties for them, just wanted them to run 100 in.Today, the elder brother comfortable Han doesn't have this viewpoint and just wanted them to raise wood to run ten insides, return be 20 inside.
Support in Chen Wan Rong's ground from now on under, elder brother comfortable Han whole body the nature throw in training and want artillery first to lift wood to run ten every day inside, return be 20 inside.Then fight again to kill to train a burst of, finally is a practice**.
After five days, the arms Jian delivers five artilleries, after Chen Wan Rong school is quasi-, formally be used.There are these five artilleries, the soldier holds the opportunity of cannon many.Wait until after half month, all of 20 artilleries arrive together, Long Wu Jun ground field in the school much more noisy, every day is that the cannon voice bomb, the good elephant thunders ground.
Ask for the common people of neighborhood discuss in succession, have of say the god of thunder came down to earth and had of say that the god of thunder got mad.Various discussions all have, there are more than one.
For half month, there are two matters making Chen Wan Rong delighteding most , one is Liu Fu Qing's condition of the injury well get about.Once his condition of the injury see good, whet Chen Wan Rong, return army camp.The Chen glory late sees his condition of the injury grow quite good, agree.Unexpectedly of BE, Liu Fu Qing trains specially assiduous, particularly is an artillery to beat the special permission is an artillery inside the gunner of the highest rank, Chen Wan Rong carries out a promise and lets him does a gunner.
This appoints, no one defies spirit and enjoys public confidence, Chen Wan Rong is also a generation his Gao
Another matter is Chen Wan Rong to insist running 120 insides every day.Everyday finishes running and takes charge of Ma Cheng Zhen's teacher and pupil to help him the tuina, then is a bubble medicine water and eats some medicine that department Ma Cheng Zhen prepares.Say to is also oddness, Chen Wan Rong is to more run body more strong, the half month's ground progress is very obvious, already not too exhausting.If like this do in about a year, affirmation is getting stronger, Chen Wan Rong craves for very much.
This day, the elder brother comfortable Han is training artillery, guard Long Wu Jun of door to greatly tread to come over a way:"Elder brother comfortable general, doorway someone seeks you."
Elder brother comfortable Han face 1:"Disappear!"
Soldier favour way:"Elder brother comfortable general, this person says very important important event, you anyway also want to see him."
The elder brother comfortable Han hasn't talked, Chen Wan Rong delivers a words way:"Elder brother comfortable general, you see."
Should be a , elder brother comfortable Han this just followed soldier to go.Not and in a short while, he turns round and make Chen pulling the part late glory, way:"Chen Xiong got you to want me to see this person luckily.He is one of my friend, be subjected to me, it gives and secretly goes about finding out a new moon parties and has a day big good news now."Whispering in Chen Wan Rong's ear is a burst of.
Once he finish saying, Chen Wan Rong is excited to leap:"Really?News credibility?"
Elder brother the comfortable Han is very affirmative of order a way:"Is absolute credibility!"
"Too good!"On clenching fist, Chen Wan Rong's right hand's the way of excitement:"New moon parties, see you still escape or not drop?Walk, see a prince!"

Volume 3 Chang-an the winds and clouds first 0 six princes certainly account
Renew time:2009-7-1318:41:06 chapter word numbers:6311

The new moon sends ghost not to spread and always worries Chen Wan Rong, this makes Chen Wan Rong is a headache very much and get his ability of this news not excited?The elder brother comfortable Han says with smile:"Good!Chen Xiong, you this sees a prince!"
1 of Chen Wan Rong:"Elder brother comfortable elder brother, can you not go to?"
"This matter has Chen Xiong all right already.I still stay here and train artillery important."The elder brother comfortable Han smiles an answer:"We cent head isn't the activity better?"
Is also this reason, Chen the glory late nod a way:"The elder brother comfortable elder brother says have a reason.That had elder brother Lao comfortable elder brother."
"Be getting more polite!"The elder brother comfortable Han humbleness is 1.
Chen Wan Rong calls to Wang Shao Hua, once the affair say, Wang Shao Hua is to particularly fig up:"This new moon parties lets people has a headache tightly, to, see a prince!So big affair, must prince's consenting just can act."
Wang Shao Hua leads escort and protects Chen Wan Rong, field in the school, go straight to east temple.
For half month, the one heart of Chen Wan Rong rushes toward in training soldiers, east the temple is for the first time.The east temple is still at first that sort, Chen glory late say to see a prince, the soldier immediately reports a report to go in.Not and in a short while, the soldier turns round, Chen Wan Rong and Wang Shao Hua goes in.
2 people are shoulder to shoulder ex- to go, didn't go how far, sees Chen the glory faced to come up and saiding with smile again:"Elder brother, you how free come to east of temple?"
"I have an important affair and see a prince right away."Chen Wan Rong also on bed terms Chen again the glory say more.
Chen again glory eyebrows 1:"Elder brother, you must wait top for a while, the prince is handling urgent matter."Have much hasty?Did the front dozen get up?"Chen Wan Rong's favour asks a way.
Again the Chen glory shakes head:"That pours be not.Elder brother.You also know ground.Prince ground the urgent matter is a lot of.You wait for a second."
Chen Wan Rong wanted to think a way:"So.You go to and say for prince.The new moon sent this matter to have news.If this matter not equal to prince ground urgent matter ground words.I etc..If this matter enough and hotfoot words.I think that prince's affirming will urgently wear to see my ground."
This pouring is quite goodly a way.Again the Chen glory didn't have objection a way:"Elder brother.That you wait for a second first.I this sees a prince."Is small to run to report to.
2 people waited before house a burst of.Sees high muscle man face out in quick time.Say with smile:"Adult Chen.Adult king.The prince has already pleased."
See.Or the new moon send this matter than the prince at present the urgent matter is more important.Chen Wan Rong a smile.Thank 1.Follow Gao muscle man into the house.Sees Li Long Ji sitting an in the official records head behind.Put a Chinese foot on the on the desk many highland official documents.The facial expression is slightly distressed.Eyes are a bit blood-red color.The estimate is occupied in official business.Didn't take a rest for a long time.
"The minister once sees a prince!"Chen Wan Rong and Wang Shao Huas toghter salute.
Li Long Ji's station is started and stretches a lazy waist.Is very pleasing:"Sit!Send some tea for them."
Gao muscle man settled down to back to go out well and by oneself in response to 1.Close the door.Li Long Ji shakes neck and says with smile:"Chen Wan Rong, you come at the right moment, I ah, an all night didn't stop for rest, is having a little exhausted, at the right moment take advantage o this effort loose be suffused with for a while."
The all saying emperor power is heavy, the breeze gets breeze and want rain rain.But only once was emperor ground the talented person know have much hard.The energy of Li Long Ji leads an unique person and all peeped out tired Tai, can want to see this pressure have much big.This is still the Jian country, if be emperor later?
"Still ask princes to take good care of more!"The favour of Chen Wan Rong comes to an etiquette words.
Li Long Ji puts a hand way:"I still think that you come to seek me for the sake of the affair of artillery.With my understand, you train artillery, in addition to meeting with obstacles on the first day, pour also smoothly.And, the artillery builds also pretty agreeable, the nitric stone of Mian state also arrived.Can say, you want of all of the thing arrived.As a result, I think to be not too hasty and have never thought incredibly is a new moon parties ground matter, this pouring is an important matter, decide to change original intention, foresight you.Say and get what astonishing news."
His wisdom and ability is extraordinary, know on guessing to is a by all means astonishing news,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com.Otherwise Chen the glory late can't urgently wear to see him.
"The artillery builds fluently.The artillery trains well, all of this are the special kindness of emperor and prince.The minister appreciates very much!"Chen Wan Rong comes to the phrase of a with gratitude first, this just gets into a positive:"Prince, the elder brother comfortable Han gets news, the leading personages of new moon parties has already Chang-an arrived."
Li Long Ji's eyebrows is one Xuan, naked in eye four shoot, stare at Chen late glory to ask a way:"Is this news dependable?"
The Chen glory late nods a way:"The minister once asks the elder brother comfortable Han, elder brother the comfortable Han is very affirmative, this news is absolute credibility."Talking so isn't the afraid load of responsibility of Chen Wan Rong, is don't want to rob comfortable Han of elder brother of achievement.
Li Long Ji rubs a hands way:"This pour being one is surprised sky of of news!The new moon sends Gui Mi unfathomable, I also really have a headache, their mastermind arrived Chang-an, and this matter was a 1-day-old good matter!Say, have to find out, they ground who is the mastermind ?Live where?"
The Chen glory late shakes head a way:"Prince, this mastermind doesn't show a person by true character Related articles:

