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Chapter 596 pass feather fights too a history
Close even the feather proceeding from the concern to the pass feather, advising a Zu pass withdraw, but was closed feather to ruthlessly stare one eye, if not that the circumstance in nowadays can not only afraid close feather early and then loudly drink to scold too loudly.After closing feather to stare to close even one eye, the low voice drank a way:"Commit tomfoolery!March to fight a how could such child's play again?The opportunity is rare this time, if passed up this opportunity, with our troopses, want to hold up Sun Wu's aggression, only afraid is very difficult!Good!Rest to want to talk more, you trust, even if is really have what problem, want to leave for father, didn't°yet who can block live!"
Closing the attitude of feather is thus resolute, close even still want to advise severals, also can be to suppress words to return to, to pass the feather say:"Also invite a father thus carefully!"
Closed feather to put to put a hand, would be a little bit direct 1,000 troops and horseses the army camp direction secretly start marching forward, but close even then take to leave of 2,000 people guard at first and prepare to render assistance to close feather at any time.Close feather to take a troops and horses and is to close to a road, saw Sun Wu's army camp near Be getting ater present, looking at the army camp of front, close the at heart of feather that bad omen feeling more and more obvious.Wished and send back, can close feather again how can throw that face?On grinding teeth, close green Long Dao Yi in the feather hand to flick, Sun Wu's army camp keep in front of, got a troops and horses to would be to launch aggression!
"Kill!"A burst of shouts to kill a voice to ring out, while closing leading of feather, 1,000 Chu soldier officers and men the vehemence roaringly rush toward to go and turn an eye toward Sun Wu's army camp, Chu's soldier woulds be directly and hurtled into Sun Wu among the army camp.Strange BE, thus big action, unexpectedly some reactions all have no, still keep being an one utter darkness inside the whole army camp.
"Is not good!Fall into trap!"Closing a feather in the mind suddenly on jumping is finally certain oneself this is to win the stratagem of the other party, flurried would be to turn Ma Tou, toward the troops and horses of under charge to drink a way:"Get out!Get out!"
But while closing feather to like this bawl at, suddenly and around Bang son once the voice ring, before is still the army camp of utter darkness one, immediately is a lights bright, very quick, the way out of Chu's soldier woulds be drive numerous troops and horseses to seal to die!But the surroundings in army camp, gushed more troops and horseses, surrounded the pass feather army corps regiment of this Chu!
"Ha ha ha ha!"On ringing out cachinnation voice, sees those officers and men Wus in the army camp of escort bottom, several wars will ride a horse to rush through out, at the most in-between of, is exactly Sun Wu's great commander that this rate soldier comes to make too history Ci!But at too the history Ci is or so, also have Xu Sheng and tread Zhi two member Sun Wu war will, too the history Ci towards to close feather to drink a way:"Close feather!Soon and soon surrender, can Rao you are deathless!"
"Hum!"Closing the feather is a how supercilious person, will surrender thus?Is cold to hum 1, close feather to would be to flick to have green Long Dao in the hand, point to too history Ci, drink a way:"Want to close to be some to surrender henchmans like Er,etc?Dream!Has the life that the skill then comes to take me!The officers and mens!Is blunt!"Finish saying, close feather to would be to take the lead, directly toward come of the direction hurtled pass by. Closing the feather isn't that kind of the person who shows off animal courage, at present close feather since is the ambush that won the other party, that only exit would is to rush out a surrounding of enemy, and according to pass feather previous decoration, close even see here am far from good, will definitely rush through to rescue, very valuable inside of Sun Gan will also city to save, so close the feather need to be broken out of encirclement then just now!
Just, Sun Wu's battalion is very not easy to guard a pass feather to led out, again will so easily put him to leave, too the history Ci holds a pair of guns, the Zong horse woulded be to kill to come over, and nearby of Xu Sheng and tread Zhi is also lead a troops and horses to narrow a ring of encirclement, iron the heart want to guard a pass all of the feather, these 1,000 peoples to exterminate here!
"Drink!"Close feather to hurtle is facing Sun Wu's soldier of front most before, closed feather to halloo a , green Long Dao in hand rows an a curve in the night sky, but is rowed by this curve of Sun Wu's soldiers all break two, neither escape by sheer luck!Only Sun Wu's officers and men be not what chicken heart, see to close feather brave, but still dare to bite a tooth to continue blunt come up!
And is closing feather after death, along with the narrowing of ring of encirclement, those 1,000 Chu the soldier are together also beginning and enemy's soldier to engage, at too history Ci and Xu Sheng and tread Zhi three will of lead under, Chu's soldier is to exhaust biggest.However even if is such, Chu the soldier officers and men Be still hard to bite a tooth, die the hopeless situation give° the enemy to block at front, promise oneself after death of the war ally has more time to break out of encirclement!
"Get away!Get away!Get away!"Drive these foot soldier to held up road, too the history Ci is getting more angered!He can have no interest and these soldiers to beat to kill, he is real of target, but is an anterior pass feather!Early hear two younger brother Yi's artistic skills of Liu Bei's under charge get, is on waiting one superior, is a martial of too history Ci again will pass with pass feather to definitely of opportunity.See to close feather fore noodles, too the history Ci is bawling at and bringing up a double within hand the gun up and down turn over to fly, will block to shoot~dead one by one at the non-commissioned officer soldier of Chu of oneself's front!
Can even if is such, but those non-commissioned officer soldiers of Chu still take turns to block at too the in front of history Ci, see the figure of closing the feather more and more far, too history Ci in the mind that call a get excited!Passed up this opportunity, connecting down canned all is to offend a city war and want to be again and close feather to definitely, opportunity can seldom, thought of here, too history Ci unbearable be loudly shout a way:"Close feather!You chicken heart!Have no Dan thieves!Unexpectedly don't dare one war is with me!You wildly call man!"
"Hum!"BE being devoted to blunt the pass feather killing listenned to this words, once the body tremble, but that eye of Dan Feng is a Zheng Be big to is several to divide once again, in the eye of cold light have already converted into a red long grass.Although know that this is too the arousing of history Ci method, can heart Gao Qi Ao's pass feather how could endure again live?Close feather to make an effort one bridle of pulling right away, give war horse live, with once the hand flick green Long Dao, first is surroundings severals intent to make a surprise attack their own Sun Wu soldiers to cut to kill, immediately drop to turn Ma Tou, hope that too history Ci, cold hum a way:"Rascal!Now that you have to walk into death!That pass is some and then helps you!"
"!Father!Mo strategic area moves!" In this time, come to close to evenly shout a voice from the ring of encirclement unauthorized biography, but is close even take a troops and horses to come to rescue!Close even the feather seeing a pass originally was thoroughly killing, but was to stop down, signing the horse was to guess oneself's father's viewpoint and hurriedly made a noise to advise Zu:"Father!The here should not stay a long while!The father withdraws first!"
Can only cherish, if can be advised, that not is close feather!Close a feather head don't return as well, just throw a words of:"Trust!I took the cut-off head of these Wu's dogs first to come out again to assemble with you!"Finish saying, close feather legs to make an effort a to clip, would be Zong horse to kill to rush but go to toward the front.
See ownly and arouse to show results a method unexpectedly, originally didn't send to the expectation too history Ci not from get exultation, hurriedly made a clean sweep of an anterior non-commissioned officer soldier of Chu, is also meet head on to kill to rush toward the pass feather but go to!
2 people ride so a horse and right against the face sprint, the body of pass feather just a little and downwards sinks, green Long Dao in the hand hereafter on putting, keep under, that knife blade is apart from a ground to also only have a very small amount, but closes the double of feather eyes then the dead dead stare front of too history Ci, spread all over intention to murder in that eye!
Look back too history Ci, the in the mind also knows great reputation under has no falsely a private, pass feather since have so big reputation, the skill of that under charge will never be weak!Part toward pass the feather hurtle to, double within hand gun but is front and back on putting, worked well hundred percent preparation!
"Dang!"2 people two ride very quickly and would was to pound at together, but at too history Ci the preparation stab the time of the red Ying gun of a left hand toward the pass feather, the red long grass in the pass feather eyes is big prosperous, that arm that pours to lift green Long Dao fiercely a jilt!Immediately, green Long Dao would is to turn to make a silver light, with the quickest speed toward too the chest of history Ci Be inclined to chop down to pass by!Too although the history Ci has already had preparation, how can also have never thought the knife of closing the feather to unexpectedly have so quickly and originally and want to stab the red Ying gun of also to in time take back, block in the chest.The red Ying gun and green Long Dao bumps shot together and sends out to clear and crisply bump a shot voice and be also suffused with to have at the same time what time spark.
"H'm?"See in the gun pole that green Long Dao chop down in the red Ying gun, unexpectedly didn't cut down a red Ying gun, left a white scar, close feather is also a bit shocked.However be a veteran warrior of he again the meeting is diverted because of but, a shot didn't be medium and closed feather to immediately would be once the wrist turn, green Long Dao turns with a kind of extremely uncanny curve but again toward too the right shoulder of history Ci pare pass by!
Superficially see, just held up to close feather, that knife, too the history Ci seems light loose, but too history Ci is had a bitterness oneself to know.Close feather that knife just, can not only just that the speed is quickly, that knife certainly and strongly sinks, almost don't let too the red Ying gun of the history Ci sell.Kui get these two pole all of red Ying guns are a history Ci to seek a chain too much soldier's superior create, otherwise, must drive close feather to cutting down can not!See to close feather second knife and came, too the right hand of history Ci just answered that knife, still benumbed now must very, can be the red Ying gun that starts to flick a left hand, facing green Long Dao is to carry on the shoulder past!
The red Ying gun and green Long Dao again collides with each other, this bottom too history Ci even own left hand is also a becoming numb of a burst of, the favour is that once the legs clip and order about to sit down of war horse connect backed a several, stayed away the attack scope of closing the feather, took advantage of an opportunity the consciousness of resuming the hands.
Saw too history Ci to stay back and close feather to pour to also have no the meaning that make track for the shot, high the head looking at too history Ci,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, full is a despise on the face, hum a way:" Are you this skill, dare also be some to call plank with pass?Absolutely is seek dead!"
Be closed feather to humiliate thus, too the history Ci how could endures again next this tone, bellow a , the hands just a little resumed some fellings and woulded be immediately toward pass the feather offended pass by!Sees be closing feather in front, is all gun shadow of the red Ying gun everywhere, too the marksmanship of history Ci, originally incline toward speed, now make of this recruits, is also too the gun of history Ci soon developed extreme achievement, may compare the door of Zhao Yun Shi to extremely learn 100 bird dynasty Feng gun!
Just too although the artistic skill of history Ci already to the top-grade state, but be apart from the top-class superior's row or column to still have a front line of Yao!This the Yao of the front line, destined him with pass feather of the margin of like Hong ditch!The gun shadow that faces that all over the place and since then, the pass feather is just cold to hum a , the hands grip green Long Dao and faced those gun shadow to would be to flick to go out!This knife flicks, that the gun shadow for covering with would be direct dissipation clean, and too history Ci I also poured to fly to go out from the horseback, connected to vomit a blood in and obviously suffered from severely wounded!
[w w w .bxwx b o o k .c o m]

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