
Beats by Dr Dre solo the arm dint of th

Die I."Chen Wan's eyes a bright, she has never entered to round city and hears the time that will arrive, not from get happy.
"Ha ha" the Bu miss is quite good, is really water to work properly, big Ye have I still never enjoyed a so delicate woman!"Just at this time, a frivolous voice suddenly rang.
"Shua!, ", Brush!"
Around spread to know to know the voice of Suo Suo, sees appear up to 100 figures on all sides, is all some men, there are some faces up all have to harm Ba.take weapon in the hand, looking at shape, clear is Ma Ze.
The person just talking was exactly a China to take a pair of strong man of hammers most before.
"Ma Ze!"
Chen Hai and Chen Tian Liang's facial expression greatly changes, immediately Chen Wan Lan at after death, dark sigh in the heart unlucky.Unexpectedly soon to round city, but is meet so a to help guy.
"The fatty sheep didn't wait until, but was to wait until such a water to work properly miss, ha ha, see your also being different from is a rich lord and leave she, I put you to leave!"That hammer is one collision, immediately spread a burst of huge ring.This rightness of huge hammers have 2,000 catties most at least, can easily picked up to brandish, the arm dint of this big fellow, certainly have ten thousand catties of above!
"I don't want to leave, you this helps big bad egg!"Chen Wan explores successful in career, the slightest disappear to frighten shape.
"Return to!"
Chen Tian ha the difference is Chen Wan, dynasty this man embraced to embrace a boxing, way:"This good brave fellow, also please give thin side, this woman is at the next younger sister, just 10 years old, such as..."
"Is 10 years old?"
Chen Tian Hua hasn't finished saying, this big fellow then waves hand to interrupt, the appearance is also a Yin Xie, cachinnation way:"Ha ha, 10 years old so water worked properly. if is long again long, isn't an extremely beautiful?Seldom meet this a bewitching female, and just 10 years old, ha ha this woman, I wanted, tonight well great!"
Hear the words of this big fellow.Chen Hai not from fury blunt hat.lambaste!..Is true***abnormal condition"you have to seek and seek your Niang to go!Dare to move my younger sister, I make you regret the whole life!"
This big fellow is Ma Ze's leader, can make this one step, certainly is a mind and body is respectively severe, an eye would is to see, Chen Hai Xin's enough to spare but dint shortage.
"I give you a way out, you don't want.If entwine again, don't blame me a cruel hand hot!"
"Leave an arm, was regarded as to just speak not lousy price."
"What do you say?"
The big fellow is abrupt however turns a head, see toward the Luo maple:"Really seek dead!The female leaves, male of kill for me!"
A pair of huge hammers, full of vigor, take relentless information, dynasty Luo the maple be a head failed come down.If the mere mister be hit by these two hammers in, don't say a powder body ground bone, but also absolutely need to die.
Renewal can the Luo maple is who?Is a mere mister?
Sand, if Yuan the dust presents a straight line, one of Xiu rushes out, of in a flash, would be to arrive big fellow at present, basically the reaction don't come over, be deeply directly worn, one shot under, the big fellow huge body bombs however side ground, now die!
Falls on the ground in the big fellow for an instant, all horse thieves are one Leng, decide on the spot, even died big fellows, oneself waits person to also is to walk into death here and at that moment and then wants to escape.
"Who also prohibit to walk,Beats by Dr Dre solo!"
They want to walk, but the Luo maple doesn't let.The finger repeatedly brandishes, the dust in the air is all flicked the Luo maple open by, each , can kill several Ma Ze by shot.
This all amount 100 Ma Ze, in less than three seconds, would be to all die!
Is silent, the dead is generally silent!
Hope to hit the ground noodles up lie of the corpse.Chen Hai and Chen Tian, there is also Chen Wan, all stunned speechless.Because Chen Wan sees arrive so blood Lin the condition of the Lin for the first time, some not orientation.But Chen Tian and Chen Hai, then to see one eye, respond after coming over, the corner of mouth peeps out one silk smiling face.
"Uncle Luo, you are really severe, we early doubt at the beginning of the concealed weapon superior was you, however you don't say, we can't expose, either.Now is seen, the Hey Hey is indeed as expected true!"
For these horse thief's death, two brotherses in addition to being shocked in the beginning, very quick responded to come over.Because in their heart, early have a doubt to the Luo maple, experienced his means at that time, some surprise, now ability will up to 100 horse the thief polish off, don't have an accident as well.
"Ha ha, go quickly will these horse thief the silver on the body two stir, taking the color of the sky didn't be dark, we arrived to round city."The Luo maple didn't do as well much an explanation and just smiled to smile.
Two brotherses heavily ordered to nod and immediately ran toward these horse thieves.Want to say what Human body up money most, certainly is Ma Ze.Because all of them are to rob, come to money most quick, and still keep every moment preparing to escape, money all takes at body up.
Not ten minutes, 2 people then ran back.
"Eldest brother, I kneaded exactly 22 ground silvers, and you?"Take a bag in Chen Hai Shou, saying of excitement.
"You see, what is this ?"
Chen Tian mysteriously smiled to smile and once passed two pieces of papers, when Chen Hai saw, surprised shout 1:"Silver ticket!"
"To, is a silver ticket!"
Chen Tian takes out 1 again:"These are two silver tickets, all 102 face values of, is search out on the big fellow body from that, should be a leader Class.Have some a ground silver here, should be ten many two!"Say, and then take out a bag in packing some ground silvers, have some copper money.
"Ha ha, deliver, have already delivered this time!"
Chen Hai basically didn't see those ground silvers, the double eye had been staring at those are two silver tickets, this is the face value 102 silver tickets, change into silver, even if is to throw away a tax, also still have 52, add, be 192!And another of the ground silver, fully have 232, this for they this kind of woulded be person born in poor family to say since the childhood, absolutely was a big amount!
"Uncle Luo gives you!"Chen Tian deliberates for a while and passed all of the things in the hand to come over.
On smiling, Luo maple's way:"I eat at your house and live at your house, you is this to still take me to be outsider?"
Saw ashamed Nao of Chen Tian a Nao head, Luo maple again way:"Lay by silver, don't be seen, we quickly walk faster, is also getting richer now, get into to round city, first go to a hotel greatly and eat well!"
"Boon boon!"Chen Wan of the one side keeps noding.
Cent in evening, the color of the sky is a bit dusk.
Hope the city wall of in front, in Chen Wan Yan ray of light although flicker, Chen Hai and Chen Tian come to lead once, however was already long time ago, saw a vast city wall now, still kept having some to shock.
"Poison goes in!"Luo maple to in walk.
The doorway stands of a few guards, see 4 people come over, all didn't be seeing them, accepting of symbol a few copper money after, then let go.They know that so all of whole bodies are the poor peoples that repairs D, there is basically no money.
Get into city, a huge building see first, would be.blood hotel in the sky.!
Chapter 389 【seek a matter?】(add a more, midnight!)
Round city, don't calculate too greatly, can be regarded as a frontier small city.However also have Chen Wan this kind of poor family to say for Chen Hai, Chen Tian, on the whole of the top was a big city.
Blood hotel in the sky rounds the hotel of biggest city, it is said that being also green state's biggest hotel, opening by catena of.Rumours green state inside, but every city defense, then have a sky, the blood hotel establishes.
"The guest officer just come in."
On going 4 people to arrive at for a sky, blood doorway in the hotel, the door is ex- to stand two women, the whole body is pure to pack, beaming with smiles, the slightest didn't produce any despise because of the Luo maple 4 people's dress.
Ordered to nod, the Luo maple calmly stepped into a hotel.But after death, in addition to Chen Wan immediately follows behind to come up, Chen Tian and Chen Hai is all that the facial expression is tiny and red, over there under the Yan mouth smile of two women, the one step is one-step, the difficult ambulation got into a hotel.
", Well big!"Chen Wan marvels 1.
At this time is already a cent in evening, exactly the most serious guest's discharge of time, periphery of table, already basic sit full.Clamor a voice, drink voice, intertexture at the whole, but is the felling that makes people have a kind of appetite to greatly open.
"Four guests and officers, the upstairs have already had no position, only the first floor still has a table, are fours objective to sit over there?"At this time, a child ran to come over and up and down conjectured 4 people and peeped out that occupation smile, pointed at most a table of south and smiled a way.
The Luo maple sweeps to see one eye, that table, although is similar and complete, look nothing important two kinds, however the dust of top, show should the nobody once did.That place closes to most corner of wall, also definite no one would like to sit to have a meal over there.
"Hum, that breaks a place, who would like to do!"Do not wait other people to talk, Chen Wan first the Jue has small mouth.
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