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"……Thank."Tang Xin's voice at the moment but lowly get up, but seem Be not willing to orthoptic Chen Xiao's eyes.

The such a life experience has mercy on of girl, lived in the top of hill for 19 years, have never descended mountain one step, the whole body didn't up and down and more and never infect by this customs of half cent firework spirit, that kind of free from vulgarity serene qualities, but particularly have a kind of magic power of oddity.

Probably her looks facial appearance not and extremely, but this kind of all over doesn't add half the serene flavor of firework spirit for cent, but is growth at Chen Xiao in the customs, have never seen.He sees ground not from got Leng for a while, immediately once enjoyed in retrospect as well, don't dare to see more.The face twists to another place.Coughed 1:"Ms. Tang Xin, please ask ……"

Tang Xin at the moment also the town settled down and resumed that kind of again on the face breeze light cloud thin smiling face:"Chen Xiao Jun, I know that you want to ask what ……I request you to stay here linger on the twoth, the nature occupies to mutually beg."

"Always can't be want with me learn by exchanging views for a while."Chen Xiao intentionally a smile.

Tang Xin's look in the eyes is a bit tiny strange, later on but sighed tone-she this of sigh, but not so heavy, on the contrary take one silk easy:"Chen Xiao Jun, with you is the view.The Shu learned by me, why not?"

She asks so text Zhou craped.Chen Xiao is also ashamed to at will answer, hard wanted to think, positive color way:"I once met of Japanese sword way the superior don't calculate much, the old Sir of text mountain inside the bamboo is regarded as 1."This Tang's heart is thus polite.\\\\\\Chen Xiao talks also and refrained from rash action for several cents and have no not bashful say "old man inside the bamboo" thus of call.

Listen to he continue way"……the old Sir of text mountain inside the bamboo calculate a , sub- young lady Ya inside the bamboo calculates a , American Ji, , is also Tang Ying calculate 1.Finally Yao, would be even eight Mr. Langses of absolute being temples.If make reference to real strenght to see, the nature is that the old Sir inside the bamboo is the strongest, my on a ship once lucky and old Sir learns by exchanging views on that day.Also admire very much to the his ground sword way.Even if is true to fight, he ground real strenght.In time of I on!!As for other Yaos ……seem even eight Mr. Langses of absolute being temples as times, Ms. Tang Ying afterward, sub- young lady Ya's real strenght's pouring is most an end."

He said along while, but not lift Tang Xin, Tang Xin seems also not worried, so steady steadily smile to see Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao finally absorbed tone, the air was also a Lin however:"Can if in spite of true war real strenght, the list sees this of the heart method scholastic attainment ground words, as I see it, Ms. Tang Xin.The text mountain in the perhaps as many as bamboo old Sir!"

Chen Xiao's look in the eyes is dignified.In the heart but start to recall on a ship and the text mountain in the bamboo of that learns by exchanging views.

Oneself once displayed moment ambulation as well under the sword of text mountain inside the bamboo at that time, also drive the other party anticipated an enemy it is first.No matter how it is, oneself moves in a sudden, but the other party can always and immediately calculate to own directions!

Seem at present Tang Xin, the way for using, is similar to the text mountain inside the bamboo.

Just ……think cautiously come, imitate a Buddha Tang Xin show of this kind of anticipates the enemy's Shu, but still at text mountain inside the bamboo on!

Because oneself at that time and the text mountain inside the bamboo compared Dou ground for time, that was with all strength of!And several times move in a sudden, although the text mountain inside the bamboo can anticipate quasi- oneself in a twinkling place after moving, sword also just"make track for" oneself to beat!

But at present Tang Xin, but imitate a Buddha is when oneself moves in a sudden even if is quasi- own directions!Own body just moves to complete, Tang Xin's sword already horizontal where wait!

1 are to"make track for", one is "etc.", superiorities in it, the nature can think!

Just, just 19-year-old Tang Xin, on the situation of heart sword, incredibly exceled text mountain inside the first Japan respected master bamboo?Although she can not attain real superior's state from cradle to the grave, but ……even if is so, this tells others, also is Hai the person was too!

Tang Xin Wei is tiny on smiling, incredibly so easily recognize tacitly!

Just, but Chen Xiao combines to feel that Tang Xin is too arrogant, but on the contrary feels this girl to the slightest don't counterfeit.

Tang the noble-minded smiling face is very dignified, although smile, but the look in the eyes weight gradually sank down.

"In those early years I sword Lu, grandfather once said, my natural endowments already strong lead him.This up, grandfather says that a ground of nature can't be deceitful, I am also never wild from thin thin.Is the children of house inside the bamboo, I at the beginning one heart think, woulding be can outstrip people of the past, will I last Chen one parties promote.Can only cherish ……in those early years after I was checked a mental disorder of severity, is fought most of, but isn't myself, but grandfather."

Tang Xin You You on sighing, slowly way:"My disease drive after confirming, grandfather the pair of close by himself/herself at room in, have never gone out on the third.Afterwards he arrives at my sickbed front, say a words to me, that sentence, say with it is to I say, but rather say is to he says by himself of."

Make reference to here, Tang Xin's look in the eyes inside flash across one silk is proud of the color come, here for an instant, her imitating a Buddha isn't that Jiao any more soft Chan weak female kid, but Zong Jia who truely gets a top-grade parties generally!

"The original words that the grandfather says before my sickbed are that I originally think, my last Chen house finally can with a real sword saint, with your intelligence, I originally think you are 20 years old and then can comprehend heart sword profound meaning, 30 years old after can found a new sword way of structure and form!Japan's hundreds of years already never a real sword saint!I originally belong idea at you, regrettable ……life in the sky not on I Chen house!……H'm, grandfather in those early years, be say so."

Sword saint?

Chen Xiao Yi Leng,beats by dre australia.

Tang Xin sighed tone:"My Japanese Wu Xue, 1,100 in the last yearses, the only one can truely can be rare Gao Ren of sword saint, these two words and also only have a just!As grandfather is saying those words in those early years, I was still not understand, afterwards I just understood, originally the grandfather reported to me with high expectation ……I, I really hated!"

Say, this woman lightly kneads tight left hand, hold chrysanthemum leaf line sting of right hand, but already put sword lightly at ground up, the body shivers unclearly, forehead in show unintentionally one silk unwilling!

Japan ……1,100 in the last yearses, the only a generally accepted sword saint?

Although Chen Xiao doesn't really understand to Japan, however at the moment heart in also jumped a familiar to ear name!

BE ……temple originally Wu Zang?!

……Judge to see in the text mountain inside the bamboo, this Tang's heart, her natural endowments, have already investigated than that Japanese Wu Dao Shi top one person?!

"Chen Xiao Jun, I can not the self-discipline is real of sword way, these in the last years, put all ideas at the self-discipline of heart swordsmanship on, I ain't 19 years old, do take grandfather's expectation on the whole this year, heart swordsmanship the profound meaning self-discipline have results to show."

Tang Xin stares at Chen Xiao's eyes, then slowly way:"I beg you one matter, if you are willing to promise, I would like to will I last Chen one knife flow in, I three break of highest heart swordsmanship, the Qing bag mutually teaches!"


Chen Xiao got a fright!

Tang Xin the power of"heart swordsmanship" of the self-discipline, Chen Xiao just and at last once experienced!

Even if is a moment to move, all escape a calculation of taking off this kind of"heart swordsmanship" not!

Anticipate enemy's first timing-this is to truely anticipate enemy's first timing!!Have never begun, have already acted an enemy whole amount to completely control!This truth looks like simple, actually of power, absolutely can not compute!

If isn't Tang Xin is been limited by a body with weak Chan, her achievement, perhaps still really can not estimate!!

And, such an extremely learn, the induction gives oneself?Don't say to is a Japanese ……even if is Wu Xue Liu's parties of whichever China, also can't would like to the incomparable skill chasing this teach to the outsider!

"You ……" Chen Xiao puzzles of looking at Tang Xin.

"I the last Chen is one parties, no one to carry on, see a mansion Qing!"Tang Xin quick way:"I am Zong Jia, deeply hating oneself can not load grandfather's expectation!Since inside after have no dint, then only beg foreign help!Speak of, I last Chen one parties, also be regarded as to have source Yuan with farmland general, Chen Xiao Jun since is the pupil of farmland general, so ……"

Chen Xiao repeatedly puts a hand:"Do you exactly want me to do what?"

"I invite you and serve as me last Chen one knife flow of guest sword teacher!With I last Chen one knife flow of, take part in Japanese sword way master this time to try a sword meeting!If you ability Duo the Kui is so master, Fan, from sword way in imperial house's successor in next term!I last Chen one knife flow if can again a whole day originally of sword way Related articles:

