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, the training speed is frightful to the ear ,but not many people know her practice time ,others thought she was practicing ,just hidden deep ,do not know it .relationresultXiaoHan also think way ,whether the drug will help them to improve their quality ,if have to holy order ,then at least to ensure appearance in fifty or sixty years will not aging ,then slowly try to push their God is .
relationresultShen Nong is actually several pills ,but also he can never did, however, alchemy and the vast mainland Shangdi alchemy seems to some common operation ,Xiao Han going from alchemy to proceed, coupled with his scientific experiment method ,can make a few pills .
relationresultThe vastmainland Shangdi pharmacist don decocting ,but various herbal medicine juice mixed together ,it is called medicine soup ,so the pharmacist treatment generally requires fresh herbs ,and many herbs generally grow in strange mountains or dangerous place ,this has restricted the pharmacist show ,and often underserved .
The embarrassing situation ,relatively speaking ,pharmacists treatment effect of natural than bright wise minister !relationresultXiaoMing decoction is not cold ,but he had to be in the next title, and herb dry more easily stored and transported ,thus ,pharmacists cure when not required to the new , relationresultMedicine,not only to save the human and material resources ,but also greatly increases the efficacy of .
relationresultEspecially inmany chronic diseases ,bright the priest had no way ,and in the pharmacist ,a few months of treatment ,was recovered, and the windy city had pharmacist of the city !relationresultThisnew moon school also opened a special pharmacist such a miscellaneous section ,time became one of the subjects of many civilian children like .
relationresultThiswill not only learn the ability to mend his ways to save him ,but a respectable occupation who didn ?relationresultDeismwhile firmly holding the commanding elevation of pharmacists ,but Xiao Han path, the pharmacists in the mainland awkward position in the way out, but also the Decoction method ,make pharmacists have a qualitative leap ,over time, the windy city will become the pharmacists in place !relationresultMorepopular with more than a dozen brothers went to the big city where King ,aided the little foxes rhyme purple in control of the army of the Kingdom ,his sister was Xiao Han sent into the nature house ,life to wait on .
relationresultBecause the eveningto dinner this excuse ,Xiao Han very lucky escape the blue sky ,a woman three church documents .relationresultThe Mochadwarf race in the windy city is the first tribe ,people mostly live in South ,small out-of-town mines .
relationresultXiaoHan Mocha dwarf race are the construction of a large metal smelting factory and a foundry and a brace arms factory and a magical research and manufacturing center .relationresultThreeplant a center in Mocha has become a pillar industry of dwarves ,Xiao Han spare no effort to help Mocha dwarf race ,not only the quality of life greatly improved, casting and smelting technology is constantly upgrading ,Xiao Han head only a little knowledge of physical chemistry to help Mocha dwarf a busy, professional counterparts ,Mocha the dwarves in metal smelting and casting weapon talent that is definitely a be struck dumb ,especially introduced assembly-line ,output is more do not know how many times over ,and the quality has improved significantly ,especially in ordnance material market than equivalent to more than three layers .
relationresultTheprice is unchanged ,the Mocha dwarf owners to create weapons warrior who has become popular ,as well as Hongxiutianxiang chamber of Commerce of beautiful clothes for women .
relationresultHavea good weapon ,there is every man dream !relationresultXiaoHan their weapons but also show special preference to ,especially the Chinese ancient passed down the diversified skills ,he also specially painted drawings ,let Mocha dwarf race to build a set at home ,leisure time ,also out to bask in the sun .
relationresultMy Lord, riding a horse or by bus? Want to go to the party ,Xiao Xiao Han Tiger stood behind asked .relationresultRiding too ostentatious, understanding the Hou people too much ,or the car ,the car comfortable ! Xiao Han said .
relationresultWith the team ,like in the past ? , relationresultNo, you Yuan Meng to accompany me on the line ,with so many people do? Xiao cold collation sleeves tract .relationresultIn the evening,the Duke side door open, out of a time division common carriage ,the driver while a plain-clothes, can be tough temperament from the inside to the outside ,a look is the master ,the people are naturally Xiao tiger .
relationresultIn thecompartment ,Yuan Meng live on long live animal is look cheerful ,a strength of choke slobber .relationresultBrother ,brother is drinking thinking ,four this kid always with small silver the lady-killer together ,have been led astray by ! Yuan Meng complained .
relationresultFour with small silver together ? Xiao Han asked ,this little lady-killer ,slightly loose bit reins ,just know where wild .relationresultYes ,now address each other as brothers ,a drink or without me .
Yuan Meng Chong Dao .relationresultI have a good talk about them, although here is our territory ,can be the identity which is a troublesome thing ! Xiao Han nodded .relationresultIf you work or big brother ,my brother ,this one big one small don .
Yuan Meng sighed woefully ,actually wonder Yuan Meng heart is small ,beats by dre pro,can be used to big brother ,they surrender ,authoritative ,suddenly ,no one listened to you, my heart is always a bit lost ,this is also the little animal .
relationresultThe devil beast city thing to do ,after two days ,I will let the four past ,what do you think? Xiao Han asked .relationresultI agree ,four brain smarter than me ,he presided over the city to Warcraft built better yet, but I was concerned about issues of confidentiality ! Yuan mondal .
relationresultThis point there ,this arrangement to man is a sacred oath ,the city is our brother and one of the most important ring ,to be no danger of anything going wrong ! Xiao Han said .
relationresultYuan Mengto lay down their hearts, and grinned : big brother considered carefully, do not need to worry me ,wine and meat on the line, along with big brother ,that day can live so happy ! , relationresultAfter a long time ,with the big brother about the Holy Alliance ? Xiao Han tao .
relationresultBig brother,is it right? The Holy Alliance who will find you ? Yuan Meng was surprised and said .relationresultXiaoHan nodded slowly .relationresultThe 294th chapter :Dinner ( three) , relationresultThe eldest brother,the holy alliance but an extremist group ,brother to small Yuan Meng with great care holding worded warned .
relationresultExtreme organization ? Xiao Han one, this is from the Yuan Meng mouth so a new word .relationresultYes, this organization to the devil beast ,the elves and dragons are very hostile, that human beings are vast continent only control, all other sentient races have to accept the rule of human ,especially hate with mythical forces the bright and dark templar ,and their Orc is also very hate ,think they are not pure in humans ,orcs that extinction ! Yuan Meng explained .
relationresultXiaoHan big mouth ,a little afraid to believe ,that the holy alliance will actually is an extreme fascist organization ,I did not think of .relationresultBut this is the first of this organization was founded ,now do not know how .
Yuan Meng said .relationresultThe organization you are familiar with ? Xiao Han asked .relationresultYuan Mengshook his head : organization extreme mysterious ,internal master clouds, in addition to five party ,their organization and no one knows . Related articles:

