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, but not kill Jiao devil is to let Kong Yu feel wrong ,then the ruthless under heart to come ,to Kau devil hand .Even in the future will meet other monster holy revenge ,but as long as Kong Yu to work harder in future practice ,to have huge power, then we need not fear anything .
relationresultThe seaking Kau devil body covered with mana is extremely huge, nature is not capable of such waste ,so Kong Yu was cast out of the blood fist ,the mana than overlying Sea King Kau devil many cases, Kau devil is not simply a method of power ,Kong Yu was a sincere playing in the body, and finally into a mist of blood ,Kong Yu was absorbed into the .
relationresultGeneration ofdemon Saint so very humiliating died at the hands of Kong Yu ,even a corpse is not able to leave ,is also very sad thing ,but for such things Kong Yu does not have any feeling ,no matter how, the world is a law of the jungle world ,you if the wrong other people out ,the others will be on your hands ,all the mercy in this world is a luxury thing .
relationresult , relationresultThe 390th chapter in the northern ocean fish , relationresultThe seaking Kau killed overlying the devil ,Kong Yu mood gradually calmed down ,put away all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, appeared in Lu Ping et al and the black dragon king .
Kong Yu watched a man appears ,the result is obvious ,little devil must be hole jade killed ,Lu Ping face is exposed the excited look .relationresultKong Yu looked at theBlack Dragon King of the look ,found the king black dragon looks very calm ,no because Kong Yucheng killed his enemy to have any mood changes .
And saw Kong Yu towards him to King black dragon ,only to Kong Yu nodded ,and then to Kong Yu and said , thank you ,if you do not move ,I will hit . , relationresultKing black dragonfrom the urination is saw his mother Dragon Princess three Ao rain every day is in tears, pain ,and it overlying the sea king Kau devil ,so in the Black Dragon King of very small when the overlying the sea king Kau devil was full of hatred, not on Kau devil a little father .
,if Kong Yu does not sell them, then the future king black dragon with ability will covered by sea king Kau devil hand .relationresultKong Yulistened to the Black Dragon King of sincere, and nodded ,and said nothing .
Kong Yu then wanted to bring Lu Ping and the Black Dragon King of them back to the Dragon Palace of the East Sea ,sea king Kau after all overlying devil has be executed ,they stay here is no meaning ,but at this time ,Kong Yu face suddenly changed, at Lu Ping and the Black Dragon King of them said , soon ,you get the hell out of here .
, relationresultLu Ping and theBlack Dragon King of all of them don ,but see Kong Yu face anxiously look ,is that they also know to own emergency ,mana is impossible to do what Kong Yu is busy, so in the heard Kong Yu words are left immediately .
relationresultLook atLu Ping and King black dragon they quickly leave ,Kong Yu then slowly turned up, looking at the North Sea, face a very dignified look ,while in vivo mana constantly running again ,ready for war .
And all this because Kong Yu had suddenly felt a huge air lock their .relationresultPracticein Kunlun Mountains for two hundred years, the yin-yang magic to break through to the third rotating state, hole jade now mana also reached a large ,golden immortal middle degree ,in this day also is master ,but just at that moment, Kong Yu suddenly there is a snake eyes feeling ,not the slightest move ,because he knew that once his act ,is bound to suffer from destructive bombardment ,fortunately the odour is locked himself ,so Kong Yu that made Lu Ping and King black dragon they quickly leave .
relationresultThe odourmade Kong Yu feel terror ,this allows Kong Yucai to detect each other must be higher than their own mana to many ,otherwise is not possible to have such a feeling .
Kong Yuya was himself a feeling of horror ,slowly calmed down ,looking across the endless sea ,waiting for the horror character appear .relationresultIn Kong Yuperception of the breath ,always is in the locked herself ,but after a long time, Kong Yu is not seen people appear in front of their own .
Kong Yu did not because it was reckless ,but quietly waiting for ,he knew the character will occur, and then whether there will be a war seems to .relationresultKong Yuquietly waiting for ,do not know how ,suddenly eyes pupil contraction ,Kong Yu saw the very distant suddenly appeared a figure ,but this figure is very large ,there are tens of thousands of miles over not to know ,like a piece of invisible boundary clouds ,with a very fast speed the Kong Yu approach .
relationresultKong Yu hasfelt it is this do not know the body has tens of thousands of years of huge monster air lock yourself up ,just look at the huge body ,Kong Yu is filled with rock ,although he is also seen many Yaozu and Malay to work ,but no one can have such a large the fright ,heart .
relationresultAndKong Yu saw the huge monster is like a fish swimming in the forward ,the body movement is forward and tens of thousands of miles .But because the body is extremely large ,Kong Yu seen in the body when, Kong Yu also has a very long distance ,so to Kong Yu before there is a distance .
relationresultLooking at thehuge bulk continuous near ,Kong Yu in mind constantly search my memory ,the original Dragon Princess three Ao rain to about universal among factions ,in addition to Sihai Dragon King ,other forces are also said to Kong Yu over ,and in this memory ,Kong Yu is to search an information ,and this information is about the demon division Kun Peng .
relationresultKun Peng division is the world opened up later in the world grew out of character ,the body in the water is the Kun ,in the sky for Peng ,have great magic power ,boundless supernatural power ,also once in Longhu palace to the aisle the preaching of Zu Hongjun ,later to be demon emperor and too please to do evil spirit race demon division ,in the demon tribe the position is extremely high, except the demon emperor and so is this demon division Kun Peng .
relationresultBut thisdemon division Kunpeng greedy nature ,and also very egoistic ,so the Lich war the most crucial moment ,is the demon emperor Jun River Luoshu stole ,the Sunday star large array without array eye control ,lost power, which makes the evil spirit race suffered heavy losses ,finally the demon emperor and was a witch who perish together with father .
relationresultLooking at thebody does not know the tens of thousands of miles ,like a fish like a huge monster ,and smell so terrible, Kong Yu heart is identified to who is a demon master Kun Peng ,which makes Kong Yu secretly in the heart of complain of suffering ,although do not know this demon division why Kun Peng is here ,but is the demon division of Kun Peng ,will not easily let go of their own .
relationresultIt seems that thiswar is inevitable ,Kong Yu heart although hard ,beats by dre studio hd,but it is nothing ,only secretly running in vivo mana ,looking at the huge body a little closer to her ,made war preparations .
Kong Yu also wanted to go ,anyway, his ancestor witch Dihong supernatural powers ,is a demon division rivals of Kun Peng ,so he ran away ,not for the first time ,and then was nothing .
relationresultIn the northern oceanfish, who is demon division of roc .While the demon division of ROC is here is a natural feel Kong Yu and Jiao devil war mana fluctuation ,and to have a look what the cheapest can pick up ,and this is Kong Yu brings endless trouble . Related articles:

