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Just want to take over the study, after reading will naturally to gold ,but in Kong Yu of God crystal took over in a moment ,suddenly from the golden life outside of the room most enveloped over a strong momentum ,and felt that a powerful momentum ,golden life face suddenly changed ,and Kong Yu is from very easy to guess is a stone to the duke .
relationresult , relationresultThe 682nd chapter ambitions ( on) , relationresultKong Yuin the beginning not the life God card ,and in the Shing Mun and the soldiers begin ,followed by gold life with to handle this life God card ,these things are to report to the stone ,and now this stone hasty and come ,apparently on gold life very care ,an overwhelming momentum suddenly is shrouded in the gold room ,it is to give Kong Yu a run .
relationresultJin Shoufelt this momentum ,looked suddenly changed ,was also very happy face suddenly is become bitter ,but one look at Kong Yu ,to the Kong Yu vote to a sorry ,but Kong Yu sees Jin Shou look ,just nodded ,and did not care about ,but still stood there ,watching what happens next .
relationresultA tall figure ina majestic gait walked in, the people natural is a stone ,and he is very tall ,it is two meters high ,the body is very strong ,face is ugly and ferocious ,looks very fierce ,eyes naked rugose ,covered oozed pomp ,if it is ordinary people, are the people look, then it will be scared soft leg ,but Kong Yu was experienced too much thing ,in the face of stone eyes is not how to care .
relationresultStone name is called the stone in the stone ,followed by two young men ,one seemed to be thirty years old, and the other one is also a 25 appearance, of course ,it just looks like ,but their true age must be much larger than this ,through Kong Yu just about ,because the continent earth five line strength is very strong ,even if it is a never practiced by people ,in this world can live for thousands of years ,but once the training is can have endless life ,can be said that the mainland is absolutely all practitioners paradise .
relationresultLookthirty years old man is gold brother Jinfu ,this figure is very high ,but it is relatively thin ,and stone standing together is extremely not harmonious ,but also the Jinfu temperament very gloomy ,the skin is very white ,hands holding a fan ,constant shaking ,look like a frail scholar ,but from his eyes constantly flashing out is that he is not simple .
relationresultThe otherlooks in his middle twenties young people are naturally gold Shou brother Jin Lu ,although in height than the short and had a small ,but the body is stout ,appearance is very similar and stone ,looks very fierce ,all four eyes is shot ,look at gold and jade Ting hole .
relationresultJin Shousaw the stone came in ,he went up against the stone is , said, Dad ,how are you? Although the face with a smile ,but at this time the life the heart is worried ,do not know just and Kong Yu said things his father hear no ,this let the golden life very upset ,sneak back one look at Kong Yu ,as Kong Yu is still a face still stood there ,the heart is not know why will calm down .
relationresultJinshicity had a look at the gold service ,but said nothing ,then put the view on Kong Yu but in this time, Jinfu step came to life ,gold said , third brother ,who is this ?Do not give father introduced ?But father ask ? , relationresultBold ,see the Duke didn kneel down ,you want to die as well? In ,after ,Jin Lu is also to Kong Yu shout ,emitting a fierce breath ,but this Jin Lu is only in the realm of the gods on the base ,Kong Yu is now a threat ,so Kong Yu did not respond to Jin Lu ,just listen to the Jin Lu ,Kong Yu is a lot, since his debut ,never bow down to who ,in addition to their own parents ,even if it is Zu Hongjun ,Kong Yu is also the bow salute it ,beats by dre studio hd,and this Jin Lu actually is to allow Kong Yu to the stone kneeling ,it is natural to make holes in some dissatisfaction jade heart .
relationresultJin Shoulistened to ,and Jin Lu suddenly is towards the Stone said , father ,this is I just know big brother Kong Yu ,he is the man of God during the early stages of the realm .
The same as the God-man state meet is not kneel ,unless the stone reached the God realm ,a realm than Kong Yugao ,so Kong Yudao should give Lapis salute, which is the mainland golden life quickly say Kong Yu ,nature is to not let the gold stone .
relationresultJustto stone strength ,but how could you not see the strength of Kong Yu ,heart of gold to recruit Kong Yu to life of such a man who is initially very satisfactory, but Kong Yu is listening to the gold service after the introduction of stone arch ,just surrender ,is a salute ,which let the stone a tiger eye one glare ,more huge momentum from body erupted, towards Kong Yu over the past, in the face of the powerful momentum ,Kong Yu is also the resistance shall not ,continuous stepped back ,went to a flush ,then is pale .
relationresultJustas the momentum is himself wounded ,this lets Kong Yu heart was tempestuous waves ,did not think of just and stone a poor level ,strength is actually vary so much ,it makes Kong Yu heart is shocked ,but is more anger and fighting ,only a short while ago ,Kong Yu in the pan Sunday world how be in high and vigorous spirits ,though not in sanctification and I and world Saint hands ,but he knows he then world sage is absolutely invincible .
relationresultButnow in the mainland of the gods ,he was just being momentum over the injury ,it is definitely not Kong Yu can accept, even if there is no phagocytosis of fusion second hole jade ,Kong Yu seek to prevail over others hearts is very strong ,nature is not playing for second place ,anger and fighting continuously burns ,Kong Yu hands clenched tightly ,eyes squint looking across the stone ,not a tiny bit of withdrawal .
relationresultGoldand gold ,after seeing that Kong Yu was being stone style jarred ,smile more thinly veiled sends out ,is a surprise appearance, and Jin shou see such case ,a step forward, out of the stone and Kong Yu Shi Dasheng ,to gold said , Daddy ,what do you want ,hole big brother is my friend .
, relationresultGoldenlife angry but let stone one, will be its own momentum away .relationresult , relationresultThe 683rd chapter ambitions ( below) , relationresultIn thestone impression, his little son is always very obedient ,and qualification and understanding are very good ,just the hundreds of years that have reached the God realm in the early ,the mainland is very rare ,so the stone but went to great lengths to cultivation of golden life ,as in countless ways ,this only to the gold service made a small crystal to God ,just did not expect the golden life actually is to make this a piece of crystal to god .
relationresultIn fact,Jinshi for Kong Yu is not to have what opinion, pure gold is seen life to God crystal to Kong Yucai angry ,but that the stone had great difficulty from the Golden
Shrine clan to get a god crystal ,are not willing to take their own practice ,but gold gives life ,is to to make golden life can grow faster, because only the life in a specified Related articles:

