
beats by dre solo ut with a human fac

These young boys and girls blood in vivo toxin and cold a little resolve .relationresultButthe Xiangliu poison is not so good to solve ,in order to achieve the complete eradication of the objective ,the tens of millions of years, also do not know how many young boys and girls put an end to life ,until now the demon God of action finally is the body of cold virus to dissolve ,and Mana is restored to the peak .
relationresultThat is to sayin front of this looks sick middle-aged but with was the peak of mana ,which for Kong Yu nature is not a good thing ,but the Xiangliu is aware of this, but also frowned ,as for the devils in animal forms upon hearing of Yao Shenying was thrilled .
Up .relationresultOh?t my day! Not ah ,I feel that my luck today is good ,you will be able to the big witch who swallowed it, then my mana and can strive for further improvement ,you and I can fight ,just now you only a mana ,how is my opponent ,do you want to rely on the waste ? The British recruited to the demon God Xiangliu says ,face a faint smile on one ,was very bad .
relationresultKong Yu and thedevils in animal forms in their demon God of action were not worth mentioning ,their this mana is not demon God English recruit peanuts ,Kong Yu listened to the demon God of action words heart is not angry ,he knows his power in this ancient evil god must be ants ,he was just at this moment he couldn hit .
relationresultWar isinevitable ,the demon God of action will not let them ,after all, but they will all the world people killed ,five venerable is Kong Yulian made five avian Shenfan ,but Kong Yu did not think of to escape the war ,heart already Peng Pai up .
relationresultHolejade originally thought that he is an ordinary person ,but after so many things, but Kong Yu knew he loved the way full of adventure and battle of life ,constantly challenge the strong ,let oneself become stronger have gradually left Kong Yu thought ,the more experienced strong opponent ,Kong Yu will more exciting .
relationresultAlthoughtheir mana in the demon God before the British action cannot withstand a single blow ,but Kong Yu believes he will not so easily be wiped out ,after all, in his behind the person in control of everything, so he could let go of all worries ,to the war, if not the enemy ,finally also must be a miracle the .
relationresultLooking across thedemon God of action ,a hole Yuxin God ,five ancestor witch roared from all the day mumbo jumbo Pennant burst ,waving a huge hand towards the demon God is British trick shot down, and when the demon God of action to see the five ancestor witch when, face became more pale ,has been away a few steps ,after all the ancestor witch tough already deep into his soul ,when the evil spirit race two emperor are dead in the hands of these progenitor .
relationresultOnly thedemon God of action while being startled ,but soon realised it was different ,then laughed at all ,said , all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, big Wu Chi You refining all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, my luck was so good ,even these treasures can be ,it seems today really is good to celebrate .
, relationresultRecognizeall the day mumbo jumbo streamers, is aware of Kong Yu summoned five ancestor witch just act ,and the real ancestor witch is a world of difference compared with the demon God ,let the strokes heart breathed a sigh of relief ,then watched the five ancestor witch photographed palm ,contempt of smile ,it is a demon God by changes in body .
relationresultI saw atall foot has thousands of miles of giant monster of God in the face of the people ,in the shape of a horse ,but with a human face ,back with a pair of wings ,the body fur texture and fierce tiger ,this is the true God and evil bidding ,stands in between heaven and earth ,with a roar suddenly ,his general mana .
relationresultSeemingly powerfulfive ancestor witch is actually in the British action under a mana was separated from the body ,once again turned into a round ancestor witch Zhenling returned all the day mumbo jumbo streamers ,see such case ,hole jade will quickly all the day mumbo jumbo Pennant recalled ,this day mumbo jumbo as very important for Kong Yufei ,nature is not lose .
relationresultThe Britishaction at the demon God all the day mumbo jumbo banner into a black flies into Kong Yu cave ,but with a surprised look ,then is exposed sneer ,raised his great hoof is toward Kong Yucai, see such case ,the Xiangliu shake a shake, suddenly is changed the big witch Mami ,and height million ,nine giant snakehead swaying to the goblin God British action bit the past .
relationresultKong Yu sawthe Xiangliu change out of body to the English recruit progenitor witch Xiangliu ,nature also can not stand idly by ,are flash also transform out toward the lofty Mami ,demon God English recruit rushed past .
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 267th chapter is cornered , relationresultKong Yuplay a law to the astronomical prowess, into a bottomless giant ,but the body in the demon God of action Nawanli body before they are like the child stood in the front of adults ,and Kong Yu mana for demon God of action but also as a child ,the attack on Yu Kongyu is negligible .
relationresultBut Kong Yualso know this point mana in aspect of immemorial devil God-British strokes before is nothing ,he also never thought that I would hit the demon God of action ,he just wanted to move to demon God British interference it ,for the Xiangliu and the demon God of action battle create convenient conditions .
relationresultAlthoughKong Yu mana in the demon God of action before cannot withstand a single blow ,but Kong Yu but with seven ancestor witch magic, although the ancestor witch Qiangliang and when this psychic jade display hole and do not have much power ,but occasionally drop from the clouds of a lightning Road, also can let demon God English recruit some scruples ,and Kong Yu also continued to display the other five ancestor witch supernatural powers ,the various attacks continued to fall in the demon God of action body .
relationresultBut thedemon God than the true body is no less than that of the hole ,Yuli ancestor witch powers to the evil god with the trick attack does not actually play what role, see such case ,Kong Yu also knew that oneself do these things were in vain ,and palm up, broken sword appears in the right hand ,left hand Jiuzilong ring in .
relationresultA largemana from Jiuzilong ring poured out ,coupled with Kong Yu mana ,beats by dre solo,in the broken sword condenses out of a Baizhang Jian-qi ,then Kong Yu with a broken sword ,the sword is a demon God towards British action attack in the past, and that a blooming colorful light energy but contain no horse ,and the battle is Xiangliu demon God of action is also sensed danger ,are flash is hiding the past .
relationresultAlthough thebody is enormous ,but the demon God of action flying speed is fast, get the sword rubbing the British move the body past the demon God ,but the trick is to feel that energy if shot in his body ,then is absolutely able to hurt himself ,this let the demon God move very English surprise ,staring at hole jade .
relationresultThebattle begins, Kong Yu is constantly play the ancestor witch powers to attack him ,but the attack on the demon God of action is simply not to attack ,so there is no bother bore jade ,but now Kong Yu attack is demon God English action was dangerous ,natural is to let the demon God English move a bit surprised .
relationresultBut thesurprise is a matter of the moment ,then the demon God of action is a sneer ,opened its mouth suddenly is highlighted a light ,contains his huge mana ,with day out to destroy them ,the place visited vanity have been shredded ,rolled up a ripple ,crashing down to Kong Yu under . Related articles:

