
beats by dre solo mountain our summa

At the right moment, I also want to say a matter with you."My Zheng for a while, way:"Receive to always have what to want to order mine?"
Receive a soldier point to nod, way:"You say first!"I deeply absorb tone, way:"You made me drive yesterday mountain holiday, a carelessly car to stop at forbade to stop of place, car drive hand over Jing to have already dragged along to walk.Is really true sorry!"Receive a soldier face ascend on smiling, way:"Do I still think what you have to say!This no harm, the small matter turns head me to call to take care of man son just to negotiate for a while."
Breath a sigh of relief in my heart, it is a bumbling person to wonder luckily and receive a soldier as well.Hurry way:"That receives total what matter do you want me to do?"
Receive a soldier way:"Also not is what important event, I miss your a short while you with I go to Zhang Jia Yi's trip!"
Zhang Jia?That, dizzy in my heart for a while.
Receive soldier facial expression to seem some helpless fellings, to my way:"Last time you and Zhang Hai Cheng to definitely of matter, he was subjected to serious wound, although I have already ask doctor Zhong to cure for him,I listenned to clock into say, you that feet were very poisonous, almost discarded his second half living, he was after all an only son, is this matter, Zhang Dong absolutely hated me deeply.I miss we or have a necessity go to in person apology for a while."
I am a little bit tiny to nod.Although heart in how don't take pleasure in,since received a soldier to open mouth, oneself positively can not refuse.
Receive a soldier to seem to guess my idea, looking at long far mountain, on the face smile don't smile a sort way:"I know that probably having a little in your heart isn't too glad, since both parties have invite previously, engage in fisticuffs at the field, necessarily have with each other harm, besides I saw him don't also show leniency to you, who harm who all is to in the clout to destine, according to reason combine need not realize him.However Zhang Dong after all and I how say also be regarded as the friend on the business field.He lose money and compensated a son and stood on my position this time and sent greetings for a while still as it should be.Or we go now, he will feel false, however how Zhang Dong think is his business, our gentleman is easy, attain don't fall a person words handle to go."Say a face ascend a smile.
I understood the meaning of receiving the soldier, he just wanted to do the matter that he feels to do.At that moment I ordered to nod and said:"Receive always, I have no to go, do you prepare to when leave."
Receive a soldier to beckon with the hand to signal hint to take care of man son to have a car for him, to my way:"Want to go now, night I also have no time, I will go out right away and come back at least is a half month later, if drag along Zhang Hai Cheng to all cure about, that necessity that didn't also go."
Take care of the man son signals hint at him under, hurriedly had to like his special car, there is the after the event to ambuscade over the last time China cloud temple, receiving the soldier has already no longer literally used that dazzling guest benefit, but specially buys into a speed a bullet-proof car very violently.Adequacy of careful always have to of, particularly to his somebody like this.
This bullet-proof car function is very violent, adopt the whole steel armor manufacturing, the car pane adopted very several polycarbonates of the high performance compound the material isn't generally firm, the bullet dozen of common caliber goes up, the basic milli- delivers not hurt, adopted a bullet-proof tire design more, be drive gun dozen flat tire can also continue to drive.Certainly the car selling price like this is to get high astonishing, if not that receiving the soldier really realize to have a crisis, he absolutely can't spend this to wrong money.
There is the car of this special material, receive a soldier also don't seem to be together in the past that sort needed a lot of with went follow, just took take care of man son, Michael and my 3 people go out.
The garage sets out and receives a soldier to suddenly signal hint to change from another mountain in direction, this isn't the hill path that we usually walk.To get to A City from this road have to make a detour the north walk from the mountain, invisibly will round more the road of more than 20 kilometers.We understand his meaning, although those three cutthroats already drive Jian, now is extraordinary period before it's completely to don't tidy up Xiao.The safety is the first.
Have no words all the way, the garage goes to half-way and receives a soldier to suddenly hope the way in the road bottom mountain Ao:"This temples is what is the row, when set up?"
Take care of man son simultaneously drive, part way:", Front that temple calls east Ya temple,beats by dre solo, past have been having of, age also for a long time far, however the nobody looks after for a long time, the year is long disrepair, already quickly collapse fall, came over a few monks from the north at the beginning of the year, hanged a list here, just re- raised a style of reconstruction of, the time that I came last time how haven't fixed well, now also have a little shape."Receive a soldier point to nod, way:"No wonder that passed by before of time, feel this neighborhood seems some broken-down houses!"
An eye hopes to go, just such as tube man son talk, a few lately- fixed temples although scale not big, there is palace in court, the cornice soars to the skies, heavy the arch of Yan Dou, the green brick wall goes together with glazed tiles to cover.Is also a cluster of cluster Cui bamboo before the temple, lovely and unique, have the felling of some dusts.
Receive a soldier have been to believe devoutly the person of Buddhism, it is his habit to meet a temple to then do obeisance.At that moment signal hint us to park the car down.Say:"Meet gate to a monastery but don't go into to let Buddha Zu down, we go to in walk."
All of I and Michaels are to mutually see a to smile, unexpectedly receive a soldier to occupy in the body, also have so the friendship, at that moment 4 people get off, along a granite path walk to the mountain eastern Ya temple between the Aos.
This is the small temples of repair afresh, nothing important joss stick, quietness of, only a few carpenter mire Jiang does a wood to live before temple, a see the shape knowing to is what monk in the temple pleases to carve statue of Buddha.
Receive a soldier to walk everywhere, sigh a way:"See appearance, we came early, statue of Buddha didn't°yet carve like!See to want formally completed to there is still at least several months of scene."The words sound just fell, a monk who wore gray cassocks who was overseeing workers once turned round, to our one gift, way:"This temple still just repair in, also invite each benefactor some future day again."
Receive a soldier point to nod, to the tube man son way:"Turn head you to send 100,000 pieces to donate an inside to the temple, here after the Ao in sky mountain, our summary offer humble effort of."
That monk's eyes are getting brighter all of a sudden, up and down conjecture to receive a soldier, the Hun has never thought a person of this puzzling emergence, incredibly openings prepare 100,000 scented ointment moneys to this small temple.Hurriedly lower the head a way:"If the Amitabha, I circle certificate once thanks benefactor, if the benefactor doesn't dislike a small temple still in the repair and repair flavor not good and also invite a temple one Qi, at the right moment today Bi temple still the Zhi managed to just go out back, can of words, rather invite each benefactor and that the temple manage to together drink cup pure tea."
Receive a soldier to lightly shake, say with smile:"So don't bother everyone, I see still wait eastern Ya temple the repair complete later we again come to Lao Rao each master."
That at is the wood lives of a carpenter suddenly return overdo, say:"You had blessing, still the Zhi master hardly receives callers of, the many people of our village all hope Zhi still master to tell fortune!"
Tell fortune?In my heart on smiling, I never believe this by myself.The much less monk fixs is a Chan, do a way of doing matter also use to tell fortune just not have with those loafers absolute being men who cheat money of train station or overpass underneath one ratio.
Have never anticipated to receive a soldier but seem very interested in appearance, toward that carpenter to say with smile:"BE?Still does the Zhi master calculate very quasi-ly?"That carpenter simultaneously carve, part way:"BE not, otherwise I how may let go of an other to live to account, run the east Ya temple stem wood to live.The guerdon here is very low."
Receive a soldier 1.That carpenter sees receive a soldier to seem not that trusting appearance, let go of to engrave knife and points at flank another carpenter's way:"Do not believe you to ask small Wei, still the Zhi master helps him at the end of last year once calculate of, say that he is definitely to have opportunity this year, and year inside necessarily pregnant, everyone didn't believe at that time, at that time horoscope didn't°yet one Pie, you see now, find out a beautiful wife doesn't say, now wife there is all child in the belly."
He the small Wei in is one is 30 successful in career men, grow ugly and unbearable don't say, also blind the eye is indeed as expected that one is difficult to seek the daughter-in-law's difficult door.He side has the young little girl whom a dozen starts and grow to pour to say not ascend beautiful, but also calculate water to work properly, indeed as expected stood a big belly now, take timbers all some difficulties for him.I and Michaels all mutually see a to smile and wish with the circumstance of this guy, can find out this kind of daughter-in-law and return is really rare.
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